Live broadcast: "Innovative preparations based on hyaluronic acid"


We invite you to take part in a live broadcast from a leading specialist in aesthetic medicine.

Date : November 24, 2020

Time : 11:00


JALOR – innovative preparations based on hyaluronic acid: fillers, biorevitalizants and redermalizants.

Speaker : Evgeniy Olegovich Kryuchkov - dermatologist, cosmetologist. Scientific director of the company Estetik Pharma. Member of the National Society of Mesotherapy, International Association of Aesthetic Cosmetology and Mesotherapy.

The webinar will discuss the uniqueness, advantages and features of using JALOR drugs, which guarantee safety, comfort and a high level of satisfaction from contouring procedures, volumetric modeling and revitalization:

  • Jalor Style and Jalor Intense – comfortable and safe fillers with a pronounced effect and exceptional durability
  • Jalor Re-Style – biorevitalizant with double degree of moisturizing
  • Revyform h2 & Peptyform 2% - long-acting redermalizants
  • Revyform – restructuring anti-age meso-cocktail

There is a video demonstration of procedures for contouring, volumetric modeling, biostructuring and bioreparation.

At the end of the webinar, a drawing of Jalor Style and Jalor Intense fillers will be held among registered participants present at the broadcast.

Participation is free with prior registration:

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