Author's protocol for deep hydrolifting without marks or papules. Injection points, features and benefits of HYALUFORM® Deep Booster


We invite you to take part in a practical online webinar from a leading specialist in aesthetic medicine,

Date: February 23, 2021
Time: 13:00
Topic: Author's protocol for deep hydrolifting without marks and papules. Injection points, options and benefits
HYALUFORM® Deep Booster
Link for registration:
Speaker: Natalya Mikhailova (Russia) Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, associate professor of the department of skin diseases and cosmetology of the Federal Postgraduate Educational Institution Russian National Research Medical University named after. N. I. Pirogova, President of the National Society of Mesotherapy (NOM) and the Eurasian Association of Injection Techniques Specialists (EOSIM), member of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) and the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS), member of the expert council of HUGEL PHARMA companies (Korea) , Laboratoires GERnétic Synthèse (France), SuissElle (Switzerland), Laboratory THOSCANE
In a programme:
  • Author's protocol for deep hydrolifting without marks or papules. Injection points, options and benefits
  • HYALUFORM® Deep Booster
  • The latest development for instant biomodeling of soft tissues in order to improve dermal turgor and strength of the epidermal-dermal junction
  • Mechanical strengthening of the ligamentous apparatus in areas most susceptible to aging and deformation (zygomatic ligament, zygomaticocutaneous ligament)
  • Effective delivery of moisture even to the deepest layers of the skin for prolonged tissue hydration
  • Straightening the intercellular matrix, improving metabolic processes
  • Activation of fibroblasts
  • An ideal solution for pronounced rejuvenation of difficult areas
Benefits for the patient
  • Pronounced results immediately after the session
  • High efficiency with a minimum of injections
  • Long intervals between procedures
  • Comfort of the procedure
Video demonstration of the procedure protocol
  1. Among all registered participants of the live broadcast, we will give away 3 syringes of the biorevitalizant Hyaluform ® Deep Booster.
    The next day after the live broadcast, a drawing will be held live on the martinex_ukraine Instagram page - we will randomly select 3 lucky winners.

  2. Also, for all registered users
    Until the end of March we offer special conditions for the purchase of Hyaluform® Deep Booster:
    -30% for the 2nd syringe, check details with our managers in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Mariupol, as well as with the official Distributors of the MARTINEX Company

    Contact phone number for information (044) 299-75-75

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