Hardware skin care: "tired face" correction program

Cosmetologist guide


We continue the series of articles in which we offer options for complex correction of the main types of facial aging to the attention of aesthetic medicine specialists. Today we will talk about the tired morphotype.

Preparatory stage

Purpose: improvement of lymphatic drainage and microcirculation of the skin of the face.

Used hardware technologies: microcurrent lymphatic drainage, endermological lift massage in drainage mode.

Microcurrent therapy

The method is based on the application of weak low-frequency modulated pulse currents with a power from 10 to 650 μA and a frequency from 0.1 to 300 Hz. Restores the membrane cell potential of all facial tissues, improves trophic, venous and lymphatic flow, relaxes hypertonic and restores the tone of hypotonic facial muscles.

Endermological lymphatic drainage

The basis of endermological lymphatic drainage is the principle of activation of lymphatic collectors and the microcirculatory channel using low-frequency vibration of 4–8 Hz. The method makes it possible to significantly improve venous and lymphatic flow in the face and neck area.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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