Hardware cosmetology: optimal configuration of the cabinet

How to create a perfect office that will solve all problems


To implement programs for hardware correction of age-related changes in the face and neck, a practicing specialist should first of all take care of competent and comprehensive equipment of his office.

It is usually believed that only a few offices of a large area can accommodate a full range of services for solving age-related and aesthetic problems of the face and neck. In fact, a fairly small office can handle this.

The concept of optimal equipment should consider such criteria as:

  • compliance with the number and size of the equipment of the office space (in a spacious room, you can put devices with monomethodics, and in a small, cozy space, a multifunctional, compact unit will save space);
  • the presence of special requirements for the office and the layout of the premises for the methods (for example, for laser therapy, an office without mirrors is required, only with matte surfaces);
  • a combination of techniques that allows covering the widest possible range of face and neck problems;
  • image on the market and the demand for methods (type of care) among patients, compliance of their final cost with the consumer's financial capabilities.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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