Hardware technologies for the correction of age-related changes in the skin: the muscular type of aging
We present the most successfully proven hardware methods
Specialists in aesthetic medicine pay great attention to hardware cosmetology as a direction of non-invasive therapy, which gives the fastest and most stable result. What hardware techniques are recommended to be used for the muscular type of facial aging?
The main targets of influence: reduction of the volume of subcutaneous adipose tissue, well-developed mimic muscles of the face and weak subcutaneous fat base (typical for residents of Central Asia and the Far East), pronounced mimic wrinkles in the corners of the mouth and eyes, on the forehead, deep nasolabial folds, smoothing of the face oval line, dyschromia of the skin, folds of the skin of the eyelids.
Laser abrasion
Ablation of the epidermis and upper layers of the papillary dermis with thermal effects on dermal structures. The goal is to correct medium-deep and deep wrinkles, improve the condition of the periorbital and perioral areas, correct pigment spots, including those with deeper pigment deposits.
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