Double chin correction: alternatives to surgical liposuction

Methods of fat fold reduction


A pronounced additional fold under the lower jaw, called the "second" chin, is formed for various reasons. And although "problem" areas can be observed even in slender people with a normal weight, the most common cause is the deposition of fat in the submental area, and the amount of fat deposits depends primarily on the constitution and overall weight.

Metabolism in fat cells is extremely active. During periods of abundance, they, like liver cells, are able to synthesize fatty acids from carbohydrates, and during starvation - supply them to the body, releasing them from triglycerides. The process of fat synthesis is called lipogenesis, and the splitting of fats is called lipolysis. Lipogenesis is regulated by the reactions of carbohydrate metabolism, and the amount of lipids deposited is determined by the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, not fats.

About 40% of requests for correction of the oval of the face require the use of lipolysis. Therefore, the methods of fat fold reduction enjoy the well-deserved respect of cosmetologists. Lipolytic methods known in cosmetology can be divided into surgical and therapeutic. The latter, in turn, are divided into invasive and non-invasive.

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