
*The article was translated into English using automatic translation. The editors are working on its improvement.

The deformational type of aging (ptotic) is the most difficult in the anti-aging program. Such patients often have excess subcutaneous fat, swelling, and impaired lymphatic drainage. They do not have fine wrinkles, they lose their youthful facial contours earlier than other morphotypes. Changes in facial muscle tone include hypertonicity of the main muscles of the upper and lower thirds, as well as hypotonicity of the muscles of the middle third of the face. Migration of fatty compartments occurs.

The deformational type of aging is characterized by a predominance of swelling of the facial tissues, symptoms of lymphostasis, and pronounced flabbiness, especially in the lower third. Along with this, wrinkling and pigmentation disorders are not typical for this type; the skin is quite dense, shiny, sometimes porous, and the facial features are large. Famous representatives of this morphotype of aging are actresses Brigitte Bardot and Goldie Hope.

The patient's aging morphotype must be taken into account for adequate correction of age-related changes.

Morphotypes of aging according to the classification of I. I. Kolgunenko: