Anatomical lifting facial massage

About one of the methods of solving the problems of age-related facial changes


Among the popular injection and hardware methods, manual massage occupies a fairly modest place: it is safe, but ineffective. Let's look at this process from a different angle.

In modern cosmetology, there are many methods for solving the problems of age-related changes in the face, which are manifested in changes in contours, a decrease in skin tone. The skeptical attitude toward massage techniques that has prevailed recently in cosmetology is quite understandable: against the background of a huge number of methods of rejuvenation, weight loss, lifting, and detoxification, massage looks old-fashioned and unconvincing.

Why? Not least because many cosmetologists began to perceive massage as a sequence of actions that requires memorization rather than understanding. A massage performed by a specialist who does not think about why he performs certain manipulations loses its meaning and can be successfully replaced by hardware techniques.

The main advantage of manual massage is its maximum individuality, the ability to take into account all the characteristics of a specific person at a specific moment in time. The device, even the most modern and has hundreds of programs for all occasions, remains a machine that lacks the most important human quality - perception of physical reaction and empathy.

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