How to speed up the removal of low-quality PM: 10 tips from an expert

Recommendations for clients


Increasingly, clients who apply for a permanent make-up service already have a tattoo on their face and simply want to update it. Worse, if the existing permanent makeup needs to be corrected

Liliya Panitkina , permanent make-up master, head of @lmakeup_studio studio

Increasingly, clients who apply for a permanent make-up service already have a tattoo on their face and simply want to update it. Worse, if the existing permanent makeup needs to be corrected.

But not every job can be fixed. If the old tattoo is a “sandwich” of different colors and, moreover, the shape is not suitable, a competent specialist will not even undertake to correct it, but will recommend laser removal.

Removing low-quality PM with a laser is a necessary solution in certain cases, but it is known that this is a long way. The procedure is performed once every 6-8 weeks, more than five sessions may be needed for a visible result. Therefore, the desire of customers to speed up the removal is justified and understandable.

Permanent makeup laser removal procedure

As is known, during laser pigment removal, photon energy penetrates the pigment molecules and breaks its bonds into small particles. After that, macrophages (cells of the immune system) absorb small particles of the pigment and send it to the lymphatic system. The speed of the pigment removal process depends on the productivity of the lymphatic system. Another key factor affecting the rate of pigment removal is the proximity of the location of the lymphatic vessels and nodes to the area of the existing tattoo or tattoo and their activity. The closer they are located, the more of them and they are more active - the better the immune response of the cells.
Are there additional ways to help get rid of a tattoo faster? Yes, and I want to share these recommendations with our readers.

10 ways to speed up the removal process

1. Drink more water.
Water removes fragmented pigment particles, performs a drainage function.

2. Maintain high immunity. I do not recommend using any immunomodulators, but a healthy lifestyle is a good basis for strong immunity.

3. Physical activity. It is necessary to increase blood circulation in the body between laser therapy sessions. Cardio, functional training and any physical activity at a fairly high pace, once a day, at least four times a week, give good results in speeding up tattoo removal.

4. Massage and self-massage.
It is necessary to increase blood circulation in the area of the body where the procedure was performed. Familiarize yourself with the basics of lymphatic drainage massage or make an appointment with a specialist. Your goal is to move the lymph in the direction of the lymph nodes.

5. Stop smoking.
Smoking causes vasoconstriction, and this will interfere with the removal of the pigment.

Before and after removal. Photos provided by the author

6. Do not get new tattoos while the laser removal process is in progress.
A new tattoo will be a trigger for the immune system. After tattooing, the cells of the immune system try to get rid of the injected pigment. That is, we will defocus the resources of the immune system in this case, directing them both to a new tattoo and to removing the old one. As a result, this will reduce the rate of removal of the pigment crushed by the laser.

7. Avoid acute respiratory infections and viruses.
The same principle as in the previous paragraph. You can not distract the immune system while it drains the pigment.

8. Do not sunbathe (or use a cream with a high sun protection factor). For laser removal, the contrast between the pattern to be removed and the skin is very important. Therefore, the lighter the skin, the better the result.

9. Eat more protein.
Protein will help repair tissues, including immune system cells and antibodies.

10. Reduce stress levels.
Stress increases cortisol levels, which, in turn, lowers the immune system. And we have already figured out that immunity and good blood circulation are the two main criteria that contribute to effective laser removal. Yoga or meditation will be helpful.

Here are 10 tips to help you remove your tattoo or tattoo faster.

And finally, I will say, if you decide on laser removal, then do not skip the sessions. This is a common mistake of many clients - they ran into the routine of affairs and skipped half a year, but they could already walk with new eyebrows.

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