Hide skin imperfections: the possibilities of permanent makeup
Permanent makeup and age spots

Sometimes permanent makeup is not just a way to increase beauty. One of the undoubted advantages of tattooing is its ability to hide imperfections, such as age spots or lack of pigmentation.
Sometimes permanent makeup is not just a way to increase beauty, but an opportunity to restore symmetry and color to those for whom it has become a real problem. One of the undoubted advantages of tattooing is its ability to hide minor imperfections, such as scars, age spots or a partial lack of pigmentation.
This material is dedicated to such a delicate matter as camouflage - an exclusive translation of an article published on the website of the international magazine for micropigmentation specialists PMU International. Magazine of Permanent Makeup _ _ _
The scope of permanent makeup is much wider than the trinity of "eyebrows, lips, arrows." Yes, it makes facial features brighter, but it can also transform the skin to hide some of its defects. For people who have age spots, this is a real opportunity to get a smooth skin tone, get rid of complexes and improve the quality of life without resorting to aggressive cosmetic procedures or surgeries. For those who want to spice up their appearance, permanent makeup also offers a solution - the creation of artificial age spots. But first things first.
Masking pigment spots
Dermography is a type of tattoo that is used to mask skin imperfections that occur due to pigmentation disorders. This technique is an alternative to resurfacing, laser treatment and acid exposure . Nevertheless, dermography has a great advantage: it does not destroy the cells of the epidermis, but it preserves the structure of the skin and evens out its color at the same time.
Skin tone is determined by four pigments: melanin (brown), carotene (yellow), hemoglobin (red), and deoxygenated hemoglobin (blue). Sometimes the ratio of these elements is disturbed, and spots of different shades, shapes and sizes appear on the skin.
Pigmentation in itself is not a disease. It is always the result of certain diseases, hormonal changes, lack of vitamins and minerals, aggressive environmental influences and other factors. Therefore, it is very important that before a dermography session, the client obtains the permission of a dermatologist, and in some cases a consultation with an oncologist may be required.
- Leukoderma - spots of white or light pink color, the appearance of which is associated with a decrease in the level of melanin or its complete absence. Vitiligo is an example of this type.
- Melasma is light brown or dark patches associated with hyperpigmentation and increased levels of melanin. This class includes freckles, chloasma, birthmarks, birthmarks, melanomas.
- Gray-blue dyspigmentation is accompanied by the deposition of melanin in the skin or non-melanin changes in it.
Color selection is a key step in dermography. Taking into account the client's skin tone, the PM mixes several colors to achieve the desired color, which must fully match the natural skin tone . A lighter (darker or colder, warmer) shade of color will be noticeable and will require a series of corrective tattoo sessions or daily make-up camouflage in the future. It is unlikely that such a result can be called satisfactory.
For this reason, a permanent master working in the camouflage technique must have excellent vision and knowledge of color. It is equally important that the correct proportions of pigments are selected during the session, and information about this is entered in the client card. This information is useful in the following cases:
- planned correction in a month;
- after a couple of years, when the pigment loses its saturation, re-pigmentation will be required;
- if over time the area of the pigmented area becomes larger, the PM master will have to “expand” the boundaries.
After the permanent makeup procedure, the treated area requires the same care as any other type of micropigmentation: do not wet the treated area for 5-10 days, do not peel off the crusts, use ointments, avoid visiting the sauna / pool and do not apply decorative cosmetics and creams to the area exposure until complete healing.
Advantages of disguising age spots using dermography:
- a small number of sessions;
- good tolerance;
- short rehabilitation period;
- does not violate the structure of the skin;
- high efficiency.
Disadvantages of masking age spots during dermography:
- on tanned or reddened skin, the affected area may differ in tone;
- correction is required after a few years;
- the difficulty of choosing the right shade of pigment.
Freckles and moles - permanent makeup trend
For some people, pigmentation disorders are the cause of complexes and psychological discomfort, for others it is nothing more than a piquant feature.
Take, for example, celebrities such as Cindy Crawford, Enrique Iglesias, Eva Mendes. Would they have been able to achieve popularity and fall in love with the public if there were no noticeable moles on their faces? No wonder they say that you can forget a beautiful face, but you will never forget a mole.
This opinion was supported even in the Middle Ages: then the ladies of the court often glued a small fly on their lip or cheek. Surprisingly, the fashion for artificial moles has survived to this day! Only today they are made in a beauty parlor by a permanent makeup master. The procedure takes a minimum of time and is quite affordable.
Despite the fact that an artificial mole on the face is no longer surprising, freckles are a rather rare occurrence. Only recently, a new trend has emerged in the field of permanent makeup - painted freckles. This procedure is popular among women who are not afraid of experiments. As a rule, for this procedure, PM masters use a pigment darker than the skin tone by 1-2 tones. Immediately after the session, freckles look like dark brown dots. The final result can be judged only after a week, when the pigment becomes lighter. It is claimed that permanent makeup will last 2 years, after which the tattooed freckles will disappear.
Despite the fact that this trend has appeared recently, it has already found many opponents who say that fashion is too changeable. If the client wants to get rid of the created freckles, it will be more difficult to remove them than natural ones.
Taking into account all of the above, it can be summarized that not every pigmentation disorder is a disadvantage. But, if the spots on the skin affect the quality of life, the client should decide on the removal or camouflage of defects only in conjunction with the dermatologist and the attending physician!