Correction of permanent makeup: tactics of action
Recommendations of professionals for permanent makeup masters

We have collected for you recommendations on organizing a permanent make-up correction service. And we will start by analyzing the situation and developing the right tactics for correcting permanent makeup
No one doubts that one of the topical problems in permanent makeup is the problem of mass "marriage" in the work of masters. The main reason for this is the low qualification of a large number of masters, who are released by an infinite number of courses, sometimes only simulating the training of this most complex art. In this article, we will not disclose in detail the causes of low-quality work and ways to deal with them. This should be systematically dealt with by the professional community of micropigmentation specialists.
Also, we will not describe in detail the methods of tattoo removal used in the correction of permanent makeup. This is a special topic that we have repeatedly touched upon in other articles.
Stating the fact that in the process of developing the “permanent make-up” service it is impossible to resist the increase in the number of defects in the art of tattooing, we would like to urge all masters to try to resist the unprofessional organization and poor-quality provision of services for the correction of permanent make-up.
Putting the interests of clients in the first place, we have collected recommendations for organizing a permanent makeup correction service.
Situation analysis : we develop tactics for correcting permanent makeup
For the correct organization of the service, a detailed analysis of the initial situation must be made at the first stage. Such an analysis can be competently and professionally carried out only by a specialist who is an experienced permanent makeup master and who knows the features of the technologies that can be applied when correcting permanent makeup.
During the consultation, the specialist explains:
- the opinion of the client (what he does not like at the moment and what he wants to get in the end);
- when, how much and what permanent makeup procedures were previously done;
- have there been attempts to correct permanent make-up, if so, when and which ones;
- what is the condition of the skin in the area of pigmentation.
It is also very important that the specialist understands the intentions and assesses the psychological state of the client, which also affects the formulation of the problem and decision making.
From a conversation with a client, the master should try to understand the reasons that led to such a result of permanent makeup, which the client is ultimately dissatisfied with. He must be able to competently convey to the client his vision of these reasons.
A lot can be learned during the consultation process. Including the master can understand that the client herself ordered this permanent makeup, and now she has changed her mind, as she received a flurry of criticism from people close to her. The client may have an unstable psyche and, perhaps, she herself does not know exactly what she wants. It is recommended not to work with such clients at all.
All of the above should help the specialist, together with the client, develop the right tactics of action to achieve the desired result for the client.
Development of an action plan for the correction of permanent makeup
As a result of the consultation, a variety of approaches can be selected to satisfy the client. Let's give examples of some of them.
1. Sometimes during a conversation with a client it turns out that his understanding of the possibilities of permanent makeup was distorted. Putting everything in its place is the task of a specialist.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that there is a lot of confusion in numerous articles on the Internet, and in the awareness of some permanent makeup masters who have undergone non-professional training, there is also a misunderstanding of the possibilities of this procedure in the minds of customers.
For example, a client underwent a permanent eyebrow makeup procedure. It turned out quite a natural result in terms of statistics, requiring the usual additional procedure to obtain the desired quality of eyebrow tattooing. Instead of going to his stylist and doing the initial correction, the client asks to remove the permanent make-up on the eyebrows. From a conversation between a specialist and a client, it turns out that the client was promised in dishonest advertising that a second procedure would not be needed. Well-known advertising slogans were used to lure customers: “We work without correction”, “Quality guarantee from the first procedure”. The client, dissatisfied with the result, is offended by this master, and in his face by all permanent makeup masters. He considers himself deceived and wants to forget this episode of life, getting rid of the "semi-finished product" on his eyebrows.
What should and can the master who consults with this client do? He should conduct an explanatory conversation, setting out to the client a correct understanding of the possibilities of permanent makeup and suggesting an additional procedure to achieve the client's original goal. It is far from always possible to convince the client that there is no need to remove the usual imperfection in such a situation, but only an experienced permanent makeup master can see such an opportunity and offer to complete the work in progress.
2. The client is dissatisfied with both the shape of the permanent eyebrow makeup and its color.
Only an experienced permanent makeup master can determine: in which part of the tattoo it is necessary to completely remove dyes from the skin, and in which only to lighten and to what extent, so that you can change the existing color to the desired one.
It is possible that all old permanent makeup is partially lightened in 1-2 procedures with a neodymium laser. At the next stage, a permanent makeup procedure is performed according to a new sketch and on the same day a procedure is carried out aimed at complete removal of the dye on skin areas that go beyond the form new permanent makeup.
3. The client wants to remove or correct (while maintaining its shape) the reddened eyebrow tattoo .
The specialist must evaluate the opportunity and offer the client, based on his wishes, two ways. The first - perhaps faster - is to use a corrector pigment. In this case, there is a chance of obtaining the desired result in one to two weeks. However, this does not remove the “red” dye, which can again manifest itself in the eyebrow tattooing, possibly after 9 months.
The second way is more radical - in the removal of "red" dyes with a neodymium laser or a remover, followed by permanent makeup with the desired color, which has a lesser tendency to turn brown. Depending on a number of circumstances, the client chooses the path that suits him best at the moment.
4. It is required to lighten excessively dark permanent makeup on the eyebrows while maintaining the shape of the eyebrows.
Only a competent specialist can choose the mode of operation of the neodymium laser to obtain the desired result faster while minimizing injury.
5. Requires complete or partial removal of the dye in areas of the skin outside the red border of the lips.
Depending on the circumstances, the specialist chooses a more optimal technology for removing dyes: either a laser or a remover.
6. It is required to reduce the area of permanent makeup on the eyelids (too long or wide eyeliner or arrow)
Only a permanent makeup specialist can determine the amount of work that is optimal to achieve the result in the shortest possible time and the procedure, taking into account the need to perform the permanent makeup procedure.
7. The client wants to lighten the tattoo on the lower eyelid.
The specialist determines the feasibility of using a neodymium laser, evaluating the possibility of using a corrector pigment.
8. A slight correction of the shape of the eyebrow is required with the partial highlighting of some areas.
The specialist makes a choice between one of the technologies for removing part of the dyes (laser or remover) or the use of a corrector pigment.
9. The client likes the shape of the permanent makeup of the lips, but does not like the color in fragments or completely.
The specialist makes a choice between two options:
color correction is possible step by step for several permanent makeup procedures with specification of the choice of pigment before each procedure;
removal of dyes with a laser or remover, followed by permanent makeup.
Summarizing the examples described above (and they could have been cited even more), the following approach to the organization of services for the correction of permanent makeup is proposed (read the continuation of the material)
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