Sleep deprivation and anxiety disorders: how to get rid of negative symptoms
Deep sleep relieves stress

Sleep problems are one of the common symptoms of anxiety, and insomnia leads to psychological deterioration. How to deal with vicious circle?
According to studies, sleep deprivation is directly dependent on states of tension, anxiety, and nervous excitement. One sleepless night increases anxiety by 30%, and for some people, less than eight hours of sleep can lead to an increase in anxiety symptoms. On the contrary, deep sleep allows you to get rid of a stressful state even without the use of drugs.
In a study conducted at the University of California (Berkeley), scientists tried to find out the dependence of the level of anxiety on the amount of sleep. The 18 people who took part in the experiment were broadcast emotional videos after a night of good sleep, and then after a sleepless night. A special description and a brain scan using functional MRI allowed scientists to determine the level of anxiety of the study participants. So, during a brain scan, it was found that after a sleepless night, the part of the brain responsible for controlling anxiety levels was turned off, and the deeper emotional centers of the brain showed excessive activity. After a night of restful sleep, anxiety levels dropped significantly. Scientists have concluded that deep sleep reduces anxiety by rewiring the brain and helps regulate emotions, as well as preventing increased stress.
How to improve sleep?
Here are some tips for improving sleep patterns. Scientists recommend:
- use light bulbs with “warm” light in the sleeping room, soothing and accelerating the release of melatonin;
- residents of big cities are advised to close their windows with dark curtains;
- take care of the comfort of your bed;
- make sure that your daytime behavior does not interfere with nighttime sleep. For example, a short midday nap or a too-full dinner can cause sleep disturbance. Also, keep a three-hour period between your last meal and bedtime;
- make constant some rituals that will help you tune in to sleep: a hot bath, calm music, meditation, reading books, etc .;
- choose a time to sleep. It is desirable that it be no later than midnight;
- Pay attention to whether there is any difference in how much sleep you get on weekdays and weekends. Try to level this difference.
For those who already have sleep disorders, experts advise keeping a sleep diary. Within a week, you will understand and formulate the main triggers that prevent you from sleeping fully.
Sleep diary: what is it and how to keep it?
A sleep diary is a sleep self-regulation tool that can be a guide to better rest. Keeping a sleep diary is not difficult at all. To do this, you need to take a few small steps.
- Every morning write down the following information: the total duration of your sleep, the time you went to bed, the time you woke up, how many times you woke up during the night.
- Rate the quality of your sleep on a 10-point scale. You can track your sleep quality indicators using a special application on your phone or watch.
- After receiving information about the quality of sleep, determine the factors that affect your sleep (both positively and negatively). These can be: the air temperature in the bedroom, the level of lighting in the room, the noise level, the use of any stimulants shortly before bedtime, the presence of disturbing thoughts.
- Keep the same sleep pattern throughout the week, try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time.
Keeping a sleep diary will take a few minutes of your time, but after a week this method will allow you to take a more conscious look at your habits and identify factors that influence the quality of sleep. Once you understand what you're doing wrong, you can change it to improve your sleep.