Top 5 common hair cutting mistakes

Specific explanation


We have prepared for you a checklist of mistakes that hairdressers often make. We recommend testing yourself or, if you are a beginner, memorizing them forever.

The creative director of the HAIRDESIGN Academy, an international class master with 14 years of experience, the creator of the HAIRDESIGN academy training system and the formation of a teaching structure for the teacher of the entire team, Evgeniy Pecheritsa , who knows everything about haircuts, told us about the five most common mistakes.

List of the most common hair cutting mistakes that hairdressers make:

1. It is incorrect to make a cut, focusing on the entire length of the fingers. When two fingers touch, then in the first phalanx there is less strong contact between the fingers than in the second and third phalanges. This creates incorrect tension on the strand, which subsequently leads to an uneven cut.

2. When tensioning the strand, there is no need to change the position of your hand and fingers - this will lead to curvature of the cut. You can change the position of your fingers and hand after reducing the tension.

3. When pulling back the strands, you do not need to press hard with your fingers to pull the tension; the shape of your fingers is not a perfectly straight line. If you apply strong finger pressure to the strand, uneven tension will be created, resulting in an uneven cut.

4. Cut the shape on semi-dry hair. If the hair is poorly styled, each strand will exert different tension, which can subsequently lead to a poor-quality shape. You can cut only on well-moisturized or completely dry hair.

5. The perpendicular position of the comb in relation to the head during parting is incorrect. It will be difficult to control the even distribution of the parting. Correctly highlight the partings by placing the comb parallel to the head, then the comb will have better fixation.

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