How to create wet makeup: step-by-step technology with photos

In summer, wet makeup is especially popular as it looks natural, relevant and fresh. How to repeat it and what products to use for this, we tell you in our material.
Wet face makeup, glass skin or wet look is a trend of recent years, which allows you to create the effect of healthy skin glowing from within. During filming, makeup artists allow themselves to go further and create the most “wet”, “glass” images, as if the girl had just come out of the water. It is in the summer that such makeup is more relevant than ever, so let’s talk in more detail about its creation. The effect of wet skin in makeup raises many questions among new makeup artists: how to achieve it, what cosmetic products to use, how to consolidate the result? Depending on the desired effect and required durability, there are several options for creating a wet look. If we are talking about wearable makeup for a client, it is worth acquiring special products. This can be a foundation with a wet finish, a luminizer, a highlighter with the desired effect, or a special gloss for creating wet highlights on the face and eyelids, which some cosmetic brands already offer. Wet eye makeup can be done using pearlescent and metallic shadows, which will help create the desired effect. Also pay attention to eye glosses - they can cover the entire surface of the eyelid, applied spotwise or mixed with colored shadows. To create makeup with a wet effect, for example, during filming, you can even use available products: transparent lip gloss, Vaseline or moisturizer. As a rule, all products that provide the desired wet look quickly roll up, get caught in folds, and leave a feeling of heaviness and stickiness, so it is advisable to capture the result in a photo or video as quickly as possible. If you are doing such makeup for a client, warn that it certainly cannot be called long-lasting, unless you limit yourself to highlighter or luminizer. Step-by-step technology with photos will help you repeat a spectacular summer makeup , which will only need to be supplemented with a product to create the effect of dewy skin that you like best (or just have on hand). 
Step 1. Apply Color Me makeup base to the entire face. We tint using Color Me 2 HB #2 foundation. 
Step 2. Shape the face with corrective powder No. 30. Shape the eyebrows with Color Me pencil #305. 
Step 3. Apply a shadow base to the eyelids. We work out the shape of the eye with Color Me #202 pencil. 
Step 4. Create smoky eyes using Couture Collection pencil #PE4. Then we duplicate the shape with Color Me Couture Collection #84 shadows. 
Step 5. Paint the eyelashes with Fashion Look mascara and add decorative eyelashes. We paint the mucous membrane with Color Me #201 pencil. 
Step 6. Apply Color Me Golden Bronze #17 powder to the entire skin. We paint our lips with gloss Glitzy Star #405. Makeup, hair: Daria Shelest Photo: Vadim Sery Model: Oksana Korchmid

The technology was first published in Makeup&YOU Professional magazine.
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