Haircut trends for 2022: fashionable details
Take note

We do not depart from the good tradition of making forecasts for the current year 2022. What fashionable details in haircuts will take leading positions and will the bob still be relevant? Read about this in our article.
2022 is already here, and hairdressers are in active work, which means it’s time to identify and predict trends and trendy elements in haircuts for 2022. In one of the previous materials, we already talked with a top colorist on the topic “Looking into the future: trendy colors 2022,” so hurry up and read.
In the same material we will talk about fashionable details in haircuts that will become relevant in 2022 and that are worth paying attention to!
Evgeniy Pecheritsa , creative director of the HAIRDESIGN Academy, international class master with 15 years of experience, creator of the HAIRDESIGN academy training system and the formation of a teaching structure for the teacher of the entire team, teaching experience - 9 years
The current trend will always be the shape of the haircut that matches the individual proportions of the client. Individual proportions are the shape and features of the face, body proportions, hair type, lifestyle, style, and the client’s feelings.
All these factors need to be carefully and thoroughly analyzed and based on this, several options must be offered to make the client feel comfortable. That is, one of the main trends for 2022 is convenience.
But if we identify the details that may definitely differ from previous years, then these are several of the following features:
- Medium length haircut , at the level of the middle of the neck with a slight gradation in length. This shape creates volume and roundness of the haircut silhouette. A slight gradation will facilitate comfortable hair styling at home.
Photo: @pecherytsia
What is the bob phenomenon? Why does it not lose its relevance?
The bob is interesting because this form has a clear, relatively short length and at the same time gives a noticeable result in changing the image.
- Short haircut with shaved temples and nape. This form falls under the category of alternative/underground style. The shape creates a bolder, more daring look.
Photo: @pecherytsia
- Short bangs at eye level and shorter will also remain relevant. The bangs definitely need to be adapted to suit the client. Therefore, there is no limit in form, the main thing is that it matches the image.
Photo: @lays.ds
Photo: @shannondooks
Before choosing a uniform based on trends, make sure that it is correctly selected for the client.