Alexander Dinter and Andrea Bennett: “We collect different moods and put them into one picture”

Interviews with specialists


La Biosthetique creative director Alexandre Dinter and color director Andrea Bennett are key figures in the brand. They are self-confident, reserved and pedantic. But by how vividly they respond to all questions, how sincerely they smile, it’s immediately clear that these people love their job.

The article was first published in Makeup&YOU Professional magazine.

At the presentation of the new collection from La Biosthetique in an informal setting over a cup of delicious tea, Alexander and Andrea answered all our questions. Surprisingly, in Germany there are practically no hairdressers without classical hairdressing education! Creativity is creativity, but you always need to keep a cool head, remember the basics of hairdressing and take a practical approach to business. More in our exclusive interview! How did you get into the world of beauty? It's no secret that people come to the beauty industry from a variety of different and sometimes unexpected industries. Alexander: In the 80s, I received a classical education, then went to London for six months, studied there at Vidal Sassoon, and then worked as a freelancer as part of international teams around the world. In Germany there are practically no people who accidentally got into the beauty industry. Here, compulsory hairdressing education is 3 years. Which is usually combined with parallel work in the salon. There are certain differences depending on the region, but in principle, education looks like this: 60–70% of the time - practice in a salon for 3 years, the rest - an educational program. During your studies, you take intermediate tests and exams, and at the end - a state exam. You said that the work of German craftsmen is often clear and planned. Do you personally often make spontaneous decisions at work? Alexander: Of course, spontaneity is sometimes present, but at La Biosthetique we manage to plan everything in advance. However, we always show flexibility in developing trends and leave room for unexpected solutions. interview with hair stylist Why La Biosthetique? Surely craftsmen with such experience and experience could choose any brand? Alexander: The main advantage of cooperation with La Biosthetique is that it is a family company that has been in the beauty industry market for over 50 years. I worked for other brands, I have something to compare with. It may be a small company compared to other brands, but its share is growing rapidly in the international market. Personally, I think that La Biosthetique is a brand that is developing very intensively today; it is one of the few companies that presents 4 different collections 4 times a year and collaborates with designers at the world’s Fashion Weeks. It is also important for me that I have the opportunity to participate in the development of new products, especially when it comes to styling products. Since I work as a hairdresser, I know all our needs and understand what is expected from hairdressing products. It is important that our opinion is always listened to in the company! Tell us a little about the collections you create. Alexander: Over the course of the year, we are developing two collections designed specifically for hairdressers - these are coloring techniques and haircutting techniques. At the same time, so-called global collections are being created - this is more of a demonstration of the capabilities of styling products, and it is designed for the end consumer. For these two collections, we print wonderful albums with illustrations of images, the likes of which few people produce. The latest Drive collection is inspired by the film of the same name. The album dedicated to her practically reflects his spirit - with cars, images, criminal overtones. Do you divide your collections into images created for colleagues and works created for clients? Alexander: The focus of the academic collection is hair coloring and cutting. And naturally, hairdressers need this. The global collection is designed for the end consumer, it conveys the spirit of our company, it mainly deals with hair styling, beauty and care from La Biosthetique - the end consumer must understand and see all the advantages of the brand. Andrea Bennett Andrea and Alexander, are you always like-minded in your work? Or are there disagreements? Alexander: The most important thing is that in the final version everything looks like a single whole. We always plan everything carefully: we meet and discuss our tasks and goals with all participants in the process. It is clear that there are some frictions, which is typical for creative people. But when the photo shoot takes place, we no longer have disagreements. Do you have time to work in the salon, do you have personal clients? Andrea: I try to find at least a little time to work with my special clients in the salon, to feel the whole atmosphere of such work. But due to the fact that we travel a lot, this happens very rarely. What is your source of inspiration? Andrea: We work in an international team, travel a lot, participate in various events, exchange opinions with colleagues. A dense information space influences inspiration and our perception of the world: we collect moods and put them into a holistic picture, and then from this we create our vision of what we want to realize. Alexander: You always need to open your eyes and ears wide. The creative process is always a process that involves everything that is around us!

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