About the desire for life in the IN SPITE OF collection

Art saves creators in difficult times. Some people are inspired by it, while others create it, thereby supporting their colleagues. This is exactly what the creative team at SK Style Barcelona did.
Creative team: SK Style Barcelona
Art director: Alexander Kiryliuk
Hairstyles: KilianGarrigos, Inna Lipkovich
Photo: David Arnal
Retouching: Fani Martin
Makeup: Miguel Silva
Style: Yana Bodyak
Stylist assistant: IlonkaMakaronka
“God forbid you live in times of change,” Confucius said about this. Very symbolic, especially now.
Throughout human history, difficult periods have always alternated: wars, epidemics, natural disasters and economic crises.
However, despite all this, man, in his desire to survive, always found a way to overcome difficult situations. Sometimes the soul just needs to disconnect from worries and problems, dream and, if possible, enjoy the beauty. At such moments, we especially appreciate works of art for their ability to bring us back to life and heal the soul. Creative people subtly sense upcoming changes and reflect them in their works.
During this difficult period for everyone, an international team of stylists, photographers and designers express their sense of future recovery from decline and emphasize that art helps to fight for survival even in the most adverse conditions.
This is what this collection is about: the ability of people to resist in order to find their way to salvation. Because life always goes its own way, no matter what, in Spite of...
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