Three-dimensional vascular drainage of the body

The main provisions of the "3D Meder Drainage" technique


The technique of three-dimensional vascular drainage ("3D Meder Drainage") was developed by Tyniy Orasmäe-Meder in 1997 as a technique for an aesthetic complex effect on the face and body. For 15 years, this method has been successfully used in many countries of the world.

The "cornerstone" of any body care is tissue drainage. No matter what the cosmetic problem is - skin aging, cellulite, excess weight, tired and heavy legs syndrome, couperosis or acne, the triggering mechanism of pathogenesis is almost always lymphostasis and delayed fluid removal.

It is the lymphatic and venous systems that provide intercellular transport, interaction between tissues and organs, and the intensity of tissue metabolism depends on the efficiency of microcirculation, which, in turn, affects the volume of tissues, the balance of adipostat (a system of balance between lipolysis and lipogenesis), the preservation of small even the speed and the nature of skin aging. Therefore, vascular tissue drainage is a necessary tool in the aesthetic practice of every specialist.

The lymphatic and venous systems are anatomically very close: they are both an extensive network of vessels and capillaries, arranged in the same way, with a valve system that prevents the backflow of venous blood or lymph. Both venous and lymphatic vessels have an elastic system of smooth muscles (less pronounced in lymphatic vessels, more - in venous ones), which creates the possibility of translational movement of fluid in the direction opposite to the action of gravity.

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