Lymphatic drainage massage in a cosmetologist's office

If in the middle of the 20th century the probability of living to 80-90 years concerned only 15% of women and 12% of men, then after 50 years, at the beginning of the 21st century, already 37% of women and 25% of men from developed countries can expect to achieve sane and blessed memory of this milestone.
Evgenia Radionova , teacher at the International School of Massage
The average human life expectancy has more than doubled in one century, from 35 to 70-75 years. That is, once upon a time life ended at 50, a person after 30 moved into the category of old men and women who lived out their lives. And this meant that there was no time to apply the experience that a person had accumulated throughout his life.
According to WHO (World Health Organization), the gradation of age groups has changed significantly over the past decades. Those women who in the 19th century were classified as “Balzac’s age” can now rightly be considered pullets. And young men, too, do not age either in soul or in body.
The new WHO grading is as follows:
- young age - from 25 to 44 years;
- average age - from 44 to 60 years;
- elderly - from 60 to 75 years old;
- senile - from 75 to 90 years;
- centenarians - after 90 years.
Social conditions have changed, which has had a significant impact on longevity. Food, clothing and shelter became available to the majority of the population, especially in developed countries. There, the average age of the older generation has passed the “senile age” mark and is approaching the “centenarian” mark.
All living 50-60 year olds now have an additional 25 years of active life. And now there is a generation that combines both youth and experience. And the phrase “if youth knew, if old age could” is no longer relevant. More and more people are talking and writing about this. This is truly a sensational thing. There has never been a generation on earth that has lived as long as the current one. And never before on Earth have there been people who, at the age of 50, combined experience with so much energy and vitality. Therefore, everything that is happening to this generation now is happening for the first time.
85-90 year olds go in for sports, dance, run, and live a normal life without any special restrictions. For anyone who starts a new lifestyle at 50, there are no norms, no prohibitions... You can try everything. Start a new life, change jobs, change professions. This is the style and trend of today's life. These 25 years are a completely new period of life that has never existed before. And this new reality is now changing civilization, changing the world: economic structure, social life, fashion, medicine, science - literally everything.
Old age is not a disease, it is not a physical condition, it is a background. The background is a person’s lifestyle (his diet, daily routine, way of thinking) and the distortions that exist in him - asymmetry of internal organs, as well as psychological state. There are people who, even in their youth, live like old people: they are not interested in anything, everything is boring. There are forty-year-old women tired of problems. To them, those twenty-five extra years don't mean much.
Undoubtedly, a person must consciously make a choice. If someone wants to kill themselves, that is their right. But if he wants to live, then he needs to learn to realize this desire. The main condition for a good life after 50 is health, although this is important at any age.
You need to prepare for old age. Old age is not about age, but about the loss of muscle tissue. There are people who, after 50, simply reach the age of 80, spending them in hospitals and clinics. They live on pills, suffering from arthrosis, osteoporosis, sclerosis, hypertension, etc. And not any thoughts, especially creative ones, because the brain, which consumes 25% of all blood, is helped by the muscles to “think” by supplying it with blood. If the muscles are hypotrophied - and this is the case for almost all city dwellers - then the brains do not work well.
Most often, diseases attack from one side, choose a vulnerable area and attack. The reasons are different. They can be caused by hereditary predisposition, trauma, including birth, habitat, food, stress, etc. And the result is the same: where it is thin, it breaks. Some people experience early wrinkles - a sign of premature skin aging. For others, the disease affects the skeleton, the bones. Due to a lack of lubrication, joints become creaky. Still others are plagued by pain in their internal organs, and this indicates that for some reason they cannot function normally. Problems arise with the intestines, liver, kidneys... The fourth - according to statistics, the majority - are let down by the vascular system.
All metabolism passes through capillaries. No developed muscles → no capillaries → no proper metabolism, because enough nutrients are not supplied to the internal organs and waste products are not removed. And no drugs will help. Diabetes, atherosclerosis, pancreatitis, arthritis - any disease except infectious ones - is a consequence of lack of muscle mass, that is, lack of movement. Stagnation…
If a person does not move and eats everything, the decay products are not excreted and are deposited in the joint capsules and bars. It has long been proven that a person needs only 29 grams of fat, 29 grams of protein and 120 grams of starch per day for a healthy life. Plus approximately 500-600 grams of fiber in the form of vegetables and fruits and two liters of water. The rest is superfluous, ballast. That is, we are shortening our own lives for our own money.
But if a mechanism for contraction and relaxation is created for the muscles, then they recover, since muscles are an organ that recovers at any age...
The cause of all diseases is muscular dystrophy. Our life is in our muscles! Each muscle performs the function of the heart, a small pump that helps pump blood. Good body muscles mean sufficient volume and speed of blood flow, which means there are no problems with the cardiovascular system, which is considered the number one killer. With a good muscular system there will never be atherosclerosis, no matter how much cholesterol a person absorbs - it will simply go away.
Weak leg muscles lead to the fact that the blood in the lower extremities stagnates, the veins stretch - hence varicose veins, congestion in the pelvis, in men - prostatitis, turning into an adenoma, and in women - inflammation of the appendages, turning into myoma. If the abdominal and lumbar muscles work poorly, then you get constipation, hemorrhoids, biliary dyskinesia, and urolithiasis. And then - coronary heart disease, which lacks oxygen, driven along with blood by the muscles.
A person has only two organs - the brain and muscles. If these two organs understand each other, a person will never guess about the existence of other organs - they do not make themselves known. If they are not in harmony, the person will “get to know” other organs. Having a complete understanding of your own health is not a whim or a whim, but, if you like, the first difference between a cultured person.
We all live in a team, each with our own responsibilities. And when we fall out of these ranks due to illness or premature senility, then, willy-nilly, our direct concerns are shifted onto the shoulders of loved ones, relatives, and unfamiliar taxpayers. Over the years, the legs and arms become less and less responsive, swell, and ache for no reason. It seems to us that if you strain them less, this is taking care of your limbs. And in vain we think so, more and more submitting to a sedentary lifestyle, depriving the muscles of tension that is beneficial for them. If you want to be healthy, work; if you want to be sick, take pills. This is everyone's personal choice.
Almost all the inhabitants of the planet are under pressure. Modern consumer society imposes on us overeating, poor-quality water, alcohol, and drugs. We pay to have a shorter life. Each of us can add 20-30 years to our life just by changing our lifestyle.
According to research, a person can live 100-140 years. But by smoking and alcohol it takes up to 25 years from this period, by poor quality nutrition - 25 years, by not drinking enough quality water - 25 years, by lack of fresh air - about 15 years, by lack of physical activity - 20 years. Plus, every 5 kg of excess weight shortens your life by 1 year.
It is necessary to promptly cleanse the body of all types of toxins and drink water correctly. In general, varied contact with water is a necessary condition for our existence. Water and air (oxygen) give us strength, nourish the body as a whole and each cell individually. We all know that three quarters of the human body consists of water. Our health and longevity depend on the balance of water in the body. If the water balance is disturbed, a person will suffer from many ailments. And above all, back pain. And from a constant lack of water, aging occurs earlier. Cells die in hundreds of thousands and millions per day, but they are born in the same numbers. Water promotes the birth of cells, including cartilage and bone cells. It also flushes the active cells, flushing out accumulated acidity and restoring a natural alkaline environment.
In the human body, dozens of different fluids constantly circulate in a closed cycle: blood (94% consists of water), cerebrospinal fluid, gastric and intestinal juices, saliva, tears, etc. On average, 10 fluids pass through numerous filters of internal organs per day. tons of moisture. It must be replenished constantly with fresh infusions. It is impossible to stock up on water for future use and in advance; there are no special storage containers in the human body. All the water is in use.
There are many signs of dehydration:
- Flushing to the face, pain in the head;
- Irritability, anger, causeless temper;
- Feelings of anxiety, depression, despondency, depression;
- Lethargy, restless sleep;
- Unreasonable impatience, inattention;
- Shortness of breath in relative health;
- Dreams about oceans, rivers and reservoirs;
- Craving for artificial drinks - coffee, tea, sparkling water, alcohol, etc.
A glass of water (pure, high-quality, correct) contains great healing power. Any stress causes dehydration of the entire body. And if the lack of moisture is immediately replenished, the person comes to his senses faster.
It is the water balance, the natural ratio of the two non-intersecting water pools of our body - cellular and extracellular - that maintains our spine in working order throughout our lives. The more elastic the intervertebral discs are, the more flexible and efficient the back, and with it the whole body, is. When the load on the spine is increased, the nuclei of the disc absorb moisture, and when the load decreases, they release it, which is what the phenomenon of their elasticity is based on. With a chronic lack of water, the intervertebral disc dries out, cracks and accumulates acidity, and nerve cells immediately react with pain. And the brain, 85% of its weight is water, as it should be, first of all takes care of itself, its neurons, and only then “pays attention” to the thirst of cartilage, which can survive without water for a day or two.
Water deficiency does not go unnoticed for internal organs. Dyspepsia, gastritis, heartburn, indigestion, etc. may develop. The glucose molecule (the main nutrition of a living cell) is better and more fully absorbed if it is accompanied by a water molecule. A living cell in cartilage, skin, bone or an internal organ cannot nourish itself without water. And she needs it regularly and fresh.
Osteochondrosis of the spine is often accompanied by venous stagnation and other troubles. With age, capillaries and larger vessels seem to “silt up.” Their beds are becoming narrower and thinner, which leads to increased venous pressure and edema. Cells deprived of fresh water due to venous stagnation will not last long.
Vascular problems of the brain and heart often occur at 4-5 am, all due to venous stagnation. Heart attacks and strokes that occur during the day are easier to treat and have less severe consequences than those that occur at night.
Vertebrobasilar vascular insufficiency usually strikes older people “hand in hand” with spinal osteochondrosis, especially with cervical osteochondrosis. And here a special massage technique can come to the rescue - hemolymphatic drainage of the body.
Pumping up the lower abdomen using special drainage techniques (photos 1, 2) relieves spasm of the kidneys and, as a result, relieves tension from the neck muscles. Using the hemolymphatic drainage technique, you can help a person with arthritis, arthrosis, by working not only the lower extremities (photos 3-8), but also by draining the abdomen along both the venous and lymphatic aspects (photos 9-11). Thus, we remove all joint pain: knees, elbows, etc.
The stomach is our “second brain”. There are a hundred million neurons there. Human internal organs reflect different human emotions: anger, fear...
Despite the inexorability of aging, all tissues of our body (with the exception of teeth) are capable of regenerating, that is, being restored. Cells, having served their time, die off and are replaced by exactly the same ones. The cycle of replacing one cell with another completely occurs in about seven years. We can say that after a seven-year separation from your old friend, you have become so renewed that you can be considered complete strangers. The person you fell in love with 7 years ago is not the same at all... At the cellular level, this is indeed true.
Hemolymphatic drainage helps the process of tissue regeneration. This technique improves immunity, actively helps remove decay products, swelling of various origins goes away, congestion in tissues is eliminated, etc.
The value of the hemolymphatic drainage technique is that it stops the aging of the body and affects not only the circulatory and lymphatic systems, but also all body fluids. Especially on one of the most important fluids - interstitial. This approach allows us to more specifically influence each specific problem of the body (varicose veins, lymphostasis, decreased immunity, impaired nutrition of cells and tissues, age-related and pathological dry skin, early aging, etc.).
To obtain maximum results, various techniques are used that affect the movement of lymph and the return of venous blood (photo 12-16). This allows you to activate redox processes in tissues and, especially, the formation of histamine-like substances.
For aesthetic purposes, which is important for people leading a healthy lifestyle, this technique will help in body shaping and anti-cellulite treatments (removes excess fluid, breaks down fats). The skin becomes elastic, smooth, silky.
It is recommended to start facial care with this technique (venous drainage, lymphatic, tissue), which significantly enhances the effect of cosmetic procedures. Massage will contribute to a tangible and lasting result of modeling and face lifting. After using these techniques, the body rejuvenates for at least 10-15 years, which is very important for everyone who starts a new life at fifty. For those who have not lost the ability to develop. And this is the main condition for the remaining 25-30 years of active life to start doing what you still don’t know how to do.
It is necessary to take a course towards a healthy lifestyle, mental and spiritual development. This creates the necessary foundation for becoming a long-livers.
Photo 1. Unilateral drainage of the lower abdomen
Photo 2. Wavy unilateral abdominal pumping
Photo 3. Venous drainage of the leg
Photo 4, 5. Venous drainage of the knee
Photo 6. Venous drainage of the thigh
Photo 7. Lymphatic drainage of the upper thigh
Photo 8. Unilateral venous pumping
Photo 9. Pumping up the upper thigh
Photo 10. Pumping up the Peckett tank
Photo 11. Wavy bilateral abdominal rolling
Photo 12. Venous reformado throughout the leg
Photo 13. Inguinal bilateral pumping
Photo 14. Lymphatic drainage of the intersections
Photo 15. Alternative lymphatic drainage
Photo 16. Lymphatic drainage with traction
Photo 17. Respiratory clavicular pumping
Photo 18. Pumping of axillary lymph nodes