The origin of "fat traps": the secret becomes clear

Zones of increased hormonal activity


"Problem areas", "fat traps", "local fat" - as cosmetologists do not call the areas of the female body in which fat is deposited most easily! If you collect all the versions and hypotheses of the reasons for the accumulation of fat in certain parts of the body, their number may turn out to be comparable to the number of hypotheses about the origin of black holes in the Galaxy!

Today, it must be said, we know quite a lot not only about what processes generally occur in the adipose tissue of the human body, but also about why the tissue and connective tissue change quite noticeably during life.

As you know, adipose tissue has several physiological functions.

Trophic. It is fiber that serves as a reserve that accumulates energy in a convenient and compact form. As a result of digestion, we receive nutrients in the form necessary to support life, and the excess nutrients, having undergone the necessary transformations, turn into triglycerides - fat molecules.

Thermoregulating. Thanks to fatty tissue, the body is protected from cold and heat. Fiber insulates the body from overheating and hypothermia, and with a noticeable change in the ambient temperature, the rate of fat melting increases.

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