Figure correction: fast, reliable, effective

Complex effect on local fat deposits


The problem of being overweight is the #1 problem in the world. And if a diet and an active lifestyle help to reduce weight, they are powerless in the fight against local fat deposits that "decorate" the figure of almost every person. You can effectively solve this problem with the help of the latest hardware techniques, which we propose to talk about in this article.

It is very important for patients that the results of local fat reduction procedures are visible immediately after the first session. Care with the help of modern hardware technologies provides just such an opportunity. The latest complex hardware techniques allow you to create individual care programs, which guarantees the effectiveness and painlessness of the procedures.

Other advantages include minimal time spent on figure correction, stable results, atraumatic and pain-free procedures, absence of visual defects after the procedure, as well as the possibility of combining with any other cosmetology procedures.

Adipose tissue is determined already in the fourth month of intrauterine development. During the first year of life, adipocytes, which are responsible for the synthesis and storage of fat, triple in size and continue to divide and grow until the age of five, and in some cases longer. It has been clinically proven that the diameter of adipocytes can increase 30-40 times, depending on the degree of obesity, characteristics of adipose tissue, and regardless of age.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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