System for recording massage techniques: massage score

What a cosmetologist needs to consider


When learning massage techniques, specialists cannot always record lessons on a video camera and even more so remember everything. But it is possible to take note of massage schemes and techniques in all details and without wasting time - for this there is a special method of recording massages

Historically, each stage of the development of massage is associated with the emergence of specialists who tried to systematize and analyze accumulated knowledge and skills. Massage was and still is a rather empirical discipline, and today a huge number of massage therapists improvise in their daily practice. The result of these searches are new therapeutic schemes, the appearance of new techniques, but, unfortunately, far from all of them become widespread, largely because massage recordings are often difficult to decipher.

Anyone who has taught or studied massage knows that the issue of common terminology remains quite relevant. If before, classical terminology was adopted when describing massage, based on the anatomy of the movement of the hand, now different definitions are used in different schools, sometimes quite unusual and based purely on personal associations.

Some teachers justify the introduction of new terminology by the fact that it prevents the dissemination of massage protocols and techniques among specialists who have not undergone training. And indeed, based on the description of techniques that sound like "rake", "jump", "hare's paw" or "shovel", it is impossible to understand how massage is actually performed. Thus, behind the use of new names and sophisticated descriptions is the desire to secure one's intellectual property with a kind of copyright.

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