Stress and microbiome. Revealing the relationship

November 21-22 — the largest online event in aesthetic medicine


Recent advances in the restoration of the microbiome and the treatment of skin pathologies caused by constant stress. Practical cases, proprietary techniques, effective protocols of members of the international scientific committee.

According to the World Health Organization, one in five people living in conflict zones experience mental health problems. Under conditions of high chronic stress, excess cortisol becomes one of the main causes of accelerated physiological aging, relapse of skin pathologies and vaginal dysbiosis.

Over the past 1.5 years in Ukraine, the number of relapses of skin diseases and vaginal dysbiosis has increased significantly. We need a solution now! Learn about the undeniable impact of chronic stress on the microbiome and skin immunity.

No theory, only knowledge gained from personal experience and microbiome-friendly solutions.

  • 2 days.
  • 150+ practical cases.
  • 35+ speakers.
  • 10+ countries.

When: November 21-22, 2023 from 15:00 to 20:00 (Kyiv time).

Connect online. Streaming translation of all foreign speakers is provided.

Focus event only for specialists in aesthetic medicine: dermatologists, cosmetologists, gynecologists, plastic surgeons, specialists in hardware and injection techniques, owners and directors of clinics and medical centers.

Main sessions

  • Rosacea: analysis of practical cases and integrated approaches to therapy.
  • Acne: stress-induced relapses and effective solutions.
  • Acne-rosacea: clinical overlaps and innovative therapies.
  • Aging accelerated by stress: anti-aging strategies and restoration of skin vitality.
  • Hyperpigmentation/melasma: the connection between pigmentation and stress.
  • Aesthetic gynecology: menopause, vaginal imbalance, stress-induced and complex approaches to therapy.

You can find out more and buy a ticket on the event website.


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