Postacne correction: methods of eliminating the effects of acne

Types of post-acne skin changes and principles of correction


Pharmaceutical drugs, cosmetology procedures or surgical intervention - how to choose the most effective post-acne treatment tactics? An adequate combination of dermatological and cosmetology methods is necessary for the successful treatment of persistent skin changes that are the result of long-standing acne.

Acne is one of the most common skin diseases, the inflammatory manifestations of which can lead to the formation of persistent skin defects, united by the concept of "postakne".

Postakne includes:

  • enlarged pores;
  • vascular changes (congestive spots, persistent erythema, dilated capillaries);
  • heterogeneous skin texture (atrophic or hypertrophic scars);
  • dyschromia (hyper- and depigmentation).

Each type of postacne has its own characteristics, manifests itself in different signs and, accordingly, the specifics of treatment for each type have differences. There are a number of professional cosmetic procedures to get rid of postacne on the face and other areas of the skin. We will talk about them in more detail in the article.

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