Correction of postacne cicatricial changes: modern possibilities of combined methods

Clinical case of post-acne cicatricial treatment using a combination of hardware macroexfoliation and PFR plasma


Treatment of acne is a complex and long process that requires the cooperation of both the doctor and the patient. Following the specialist's recommendations, the patient can significantly improve the condition of the skin, get rid of acne and its consequences, and improve the quality of life.

Acne (acne disease or vulgar acne) is a widespread lesion of the sebaceous hair follicle of obstructive and/or inflammatory origin due to various exogenous and endogenous factors. Acne begins in early puberty, in girls a little earlier (10-13 years) than in boys (14-15 years). In the age category from 12 to 24 years, 85% of people develop acne. Over the age of 25, the disease occurs in 11% of people. After 44 years, it can last in 12% of women and 3% of men.

According to these data, we can understand that acne is a very common disease, with mild or more severe forms of which almost every person faces at the corresponding period of his life. At the same time, unfortunately, quite a lot of patients have severe forms of this disease, and as a result, it appears in the form of scars or pigmentation. According to statistics, almost 20% of people develop severe forms of (conglobate and abscessing) acne, and every fourth of them develop disfiguring scars, which, together with hyperpigmentation (post-acne phenomena), represent a serious medical and psychological problem due to the social maladjustment of patients.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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