Perimenopause: correction of skin and hair changes
Aging of the skin and its pathological age-related changes
Every woman who has reached the limit of 45-50 years enters the "autumn season" of her life, inevitably facing the problem of menopause. It is no secret that this is a difficult process both psychologically and physically. A woman is faced with the impossibility of turning back time, with the awareness of youth that is passing away, and actively begins to look for support - aesthetic, psychological, etc. And our task is to make her life easier, make her more beautiful, pleasant and fulfilled.
Perimenopause, climax is a transitional period of a woman's life, during which the hormonal function of the ovaries gradually fades. This is the phase between the reproductive (childbearing) period and old age, during which, against the background of age-related changes in the body, involutionary processes in the reproductive system, characterized by the cessation of generative and menstrual functions, dominate.
A woman's health and condition during this period are affected not so much by the symptoms of menopause, but by the distant consequences of long-term hormonal insufficiency, which lead to pathologies of the cardiovascular and bone systems, a decrease in immune protection and metabolic disorders, an increase in non-infectious diseases, an increase in body weight, deterioration of the skin, etc.
Perimenopause is a period of age-related decline in ovarian function, mainly after 45 years, which combines premenopause and 2 years after the last independent menstruation and varies between 45-55 years.
Full version of the access article in Ukrainian
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