Hormonal background of a woman: impact on the success of cosmetology procedures
Hormones as a "conductor"

Hormones play the role of a "conductor" in a woman's body, and this applies not only to mood and libido - the functioning of many systems and organs depends on them. After all, the female body is in a constantly changing hormonal background.
The female body is in a constantly changing hormonal background, taking into account the cycle of menstruation, the influence of pregnancy and childbirth, and the relationship between sex hormones and the organs of the endocrine system. Naturally, the state of internal homeostasis, and the hormonal background in particular, directly affects the success of beauty and antiage procedures.
Women are very patient by nature, they can endure pain, heavy periods, and other troubles in the body for a long time, but if there are any troubles with their appearance, women (of any age) immediately run to a specialist to solve the problem.