Home care: don't forget to sell!

TM Renophase introduces a new platform for the professional growth of cosmetologists


The key goal of the Renophase team is to create events for cosmetologists in order to develop not only interaction with the brand, but also work with clients, promotion of services, exchange of experience, joint development for the sake of quality help to clients and professional growth!

On March 28, a seminar for cosmetologists Home Care: Don't Forget to Sell! was held in Kyiv.

The seminar consisted of two parts. In the first block, Olena Titomyr, cosmetologist, TM Renophase expert (Ukraine), covered the following questions:

  • features of home care from Renophase;
  • basic principles of action of Renophase cosmeceuticals;
  • differences of the home care line from professional Renophase products;
  • targeted home care.

The second part of the seminar was devoted to the process of selling products for home care from the point of view of communication between the beautician and the patient.

Yevhenii Titomyr, an expert in business rhetoric (Ukraine), together with the participants of the seminar reviewed and analyzed desirable and undesirable social roles, taught cosmetologists to distinguish between well-founded objections and consumerist extremism of patients; shared life hacks and conducted a mini-training on how to effectively resist psychological pressure and aggression from patients.

TM Renophase will soon announce the next meeting, which will be devoted to the effective revitalization of stressed skin during the period of active insolation and issues of negotiation with the client.

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