Complex correction of the abdominal area


The abdomen and anterior abdominal wall are actively involved in the reproductive function of a woman. Changes in the shape, configuration, and tissue of the abdomen dynamically reflect the number of pregnancies, excess weight during pregnancy, genetics, the age of the patient and, especially, the body type and shape of the abdomen.

Irina Kapshuchenko, dermatologist, cosmetologist. PhD, member of the European Association of Dermatologists, honorary member of the Association of Injectors of Ukraine, chief physician of the Compliment clinic (Odessa)

There are three main body types (according to Prof. V.N. Chernorutsky):

  • asthenic (weak deposition of subcutaneous fat, tendency to sagging skin, narrow and elongated cell, its size exceeds the size of the abdomen);
  • normosthenic (thorax to abdomen ratio 1:1, deposition of subcutaneous fat - weak);
  • hypersthenic (large round belly, the size of the abdomen prevails over the size of the chest, protruding belly, tendency to obesity).

Depending on the patient’s body type and complaints, combined treatment protocols will be recommended.

Normosthenic body type

Women with a normosthenic body type most often complain of local fat deposits in the lower abdomen (pubic and umbilical areas). Such patients are characterized by: normal body weight, absence of visceral obesity (pear body shape), local fat deposits that slightly worsen body contours, good skin turgor and elasticity.

These patients are “ideal” for correction using methods of aesthetic medicine and hardware cosmetology. They have the fastest and most lasting results.

The following procedures are recommended for women with a normal physique:

  • lipolytics;
  • cryolipolysis;
  • myostimulation;
  • cavitation + RF;

The choice between lipolytics and cryolipolysis will depend on the indications.

  • We will use lipolytics in the case of a practically healthy and examined patient, since these drugs have contraindications for use: liver disease, cholelithiasis, diabetes mellitus. The rehabilitation period (bruises, swelling, pain) is also important.
  • Cryolipolysis will give a slower result, but has much fewer contraindications (cold urticaria, diabetic polyneuropathy). The rehabilitation period is minimal.

Vacuum roller massage is recommended for all patients to improve microcirculation of all body tissues.

The most controversial issue will be the use of cavitation in the abdominal area, since many experts are inclined to believe that a powerful wave of osmotic pressure can damage healthy tissues of the reproductive system.

The number of procedures and their combination will depend on the volume of local fat, as well as the patient’s request, how quickly and strongly he wants to improve the contours of his body.

Asthenic body type

With an asthenic body type (photo 2), patients complain of sagging skin and stretch marks. They are characterized by normal or reduced body weight (the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the abdomen is atrophied), the skin is thin, with reduced tone, easily folded and moved. The body shape of an asthenic body type is “rectangle” or “teenager”.

Women with severe sagging and excess skin require a large number of procedures and a combination of methods that will be aimed at improving the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

In modern aesthetic cosmetology, there are many procedures aimed at stimulating fibroblast activity, as a result of which young collagen is formed:

  • TCA peeling;
  • fractional laser treatment;
  • thread lifting + PRP;
  • drugs that improve skin elasticity (biorevitalizants, peptide, polynucleotide complexes).

In this case, it is important to follow a clear protocol of procedures: restoration of skin elasticity and regeneration, and then compaction of subcutaneous fat tissue (SFA).

Hypersthenic body type

Patients with a hypersthenic body type (photo 3) have an “apple” body shape. These are the most “unfavorable” patients for aesthetic cosmetology procedures and even plastic surgery. They have pronounced hypertrophy of subcutaneous fat, they often suffer from intra-abdominal obesity. The skin is either normal or with pronounced stretch marks (with significant weight fluctuations).

For severe fat deposits, such patients are recommended to use a combination of direct lipolytics and cryolipolysis, or laser liposuction and, of course, consultation with a nutritionist.

Recommended treatment protocol for stretch marks:

  • fractional RF or CO2 laser;
  • peptide preparations + PRP;
  • injection carboxytherapy .

For normal skin and excess local fat deposits, we are guided by the choice of procedures that affect the pancreas.

Photo 2-3


The number of procedures in an individual protocol will depend on the needs of the patient, her age and number of births, as well as financial capabilities. Complex layer-by-layer therapy makes it possible to obtain a long-lasting and pronounced result that will allow women to feel comfortable on the beach.

Read the full version of the article in the magazine Cosmetologist No. 3, 2017

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