Complex correction of postoperative scars by the method of three-component grinding

Modern methods and combined work protocols


The popular request of our customers - to eliminate scars or reduce their visibility - requires modern approaches and comprehensive correction. In our article, we will consider complex correction of postoperative normotrophic and hypertrophic scars.

Physiological scars include atrophic, normotrophic, hypertrophic. Pathological ones include keloid scars. Taking into account the stages of morphological development of the scar, namely: the first stage, postoperative inflammation - from the first day to 10 days; the second, the stage of active fibrillogenesis - from 10 to 30 days after the operation; the third stage, the appearance of a strong scar - up to 90 days; the fourth stage, the formation of the final scar - up to 12 months, - we recommend starting to correct postoperative changes no sooner than a year after the operation.

Complex correction of postoperative scars by the three-component method of mechanical grinding involves preparation for the procedure, the correction itself, and home recommendations at various stages of rehabilitation.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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