Combination of laser therapy and plasma therapy: what effects can be expected?

About a combination of procedures that not only provide the desired effect independently, but also potentiate the effect of each other.


Many have been developed to combat aging and skin damage drugs and procedures that affect certain processes or symptoms of wilting and skin damage.

The skin is a self-healing structure and often successfully copes with most of the aggressive factors, but unfortunately, the resources of the skin, like the body as a whole, are not infinite, and from a certain stage, the compensatory capabilities of skin cells and fibers are unable to maintain the fight "on two fronts".

Depletion of dermis cells, increasing deficiency of glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans, loss of moisture, inflammatory processes, decrease in the quantity and quality of collagen and elastin fibers, formation of stretch marks and acne - these are only the main processes that worsen the appearance and functional characteristics of the skin.

Many drugs and treatments have been developed to combat the processes of skin aging and damage, targeting specific processes or symptoms of skin aging and damage. Unfortunately, we all understand that in a number of cases, the use of monotherapy, aimed at only one of the links of the entire multifaceted complex of changes, has little chance of success.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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