Aging and Detoxification: Effects of Toxic Substances on the Skin

Every person is "toxic", or Where to expect danger?


Integrating knowledge from cosmetology and toxicology can lead to the creation of safer and more effective products, as well as help to better understand how to maintain the health of the skin and the body in general.

The processes of formation of toxic substances and their neutralization are normally balanced, and a person feels healthy and looks accordingly. However, when the flow of toxic substances exceeds the capabilities of the body's detoxification system (as a result of which it begins to work with overvoltage), the functional and structural state of cells deteriorates and health problems arise.

Well, what about the skin? She also "suffers" at the same time. Its properties deteriorate: turgor, elasticity, which leads to laxity and premature formation of wrinkles. An unhealthy color appears (depending on the predominance of certain toxic substances in the body, the skin can acquire a yellow, gray, earthy shade), circles under the eyes, puffiness. Allergic and inflammatory skin changes develop.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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