Aesthetic medicine during the war. Trends and numbers. disasters and victories. Project «Non-flammable»

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In fact, there is no difference between burns and scars received in peacetime or as a result of hostilities. The only difference is the stress the person is under. Therefore, we must understand that by restoring the quality of life to patients, we not only relieve inflammation, stress and aging associated with each other, but prolong their life.

As part of the Stress Defense: Ukrainian Recipe project, we are talking about the Burning Fire volunteer project, within which Ukrainians who received burns and scars as a result of the war can receive free medical care.

The proposed article is an adaptation of the report read on October 7, 2022 at the online conference «Aesthetic Medicine and War» organized by the Estet Group of Companies. The conference was held within the framework of the project «Stress Defense. Ukrainian Recipe» and in support of the first offline congress in Ukraine in modern times May Aesthetic Meeting (Lviv, December 2022).

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