Preparing for permanent makeup is the key to a successful result!
A cheat sheet for PM masters and their clients

Like any cosmetic procedure, permanent makeup requires preparation. Remember! The result of the tattoo depends on how seriously the PM master and his clients prepare for the procedure.
Like any cosmetic procedure, permanent makeup requires preparation. And if the masters do not forget to advise their clients about leaving after the permanent, then for various reasons they do not have time to convey how to prepare for tattooing.
Take advantage of this cheat sheet article and offer it to your future clients to study in order to fill in the gaps in their knowledge.
Remember! The result of the tattoo depends on how seriously the PM master and his clients take the preparation for the procedure. Not a single master, even the most experienced one, can guarantee a 100% expected result if the prohibitions put forward to it were violated before the procedure.
Therefore, study these tips and encourage clients to heed them.
P - Preparation for the permanent makeup procedure
Preparation for tattooing / permanent makeup (manual or hardware method):
1. We take into account all contraindications
2. Before the procedure, the following recommendations must be observed:
- if the client has an allergy, it is necessary to do an allergy test for pigment tolerance a few days before the tattoo procedure;
- stop visiting the solarium and sunbathe for 7 days (the same applies to holidays at sea - tattooing can be done 7 days after active tanning), stop using fatty nourishing creams on the face;
- 48 hours before the procedure on the lips (and if herpes occurs on other parts of the face, then before the eyebrow tattoo procedure) start taking an antiviral drug (consult with your doctor before taking it);
- for 24 hours :
✔ do not take blood-thinning drugs (aspirin-containing);
✔ exclude stimulating drinks (tea, coffee, coca-cola, etc.), heavy, too salty foods, spicy spices, so as not to retain fluid in the body. On the eve of the procedure, limit fluid intake to reduce swelling;
✔ exclude alcoholic beverages;
✔ avoid smoking if possible (because nicotine reduces the effect of anesthesia).
- on the eve of the evening, if possible, it is easy to “scrub” the skin of the face in order to remove the excessive stratum corneum, and not to apply fatty nourishing creams; good rest and sleep.
1. Consultation.
2. Drawing a sketch. The master selects an individual shape and size according to the points of the client's face. The shape, thickness and length of the pattern are negotiated, perhaps some asymmetry is corrected. The wishes of the client are taken into account at this stage, but the master must be able to convince and insist on his vision if the wishes of the client lead to an erroneous and unaesthetic result.
3. Application of application anesthesia (cream, ointment). The exposure time is 15-25 minutes.
4. Preparation of sterile disposable materials for the procedure.
5. Directly the micropigmentation procedure itself (manual or hardware tattooing). The introduction of pigment under the skin with a needle.
6. Applying a healing cream.
7. Issue care instructions to the client, which he must comply with for approximately 7 days.
8. After 1-2 months, the tattoo correction procedure takes place. The micropigmentation procedure is repeated anew (all stages) to bring the tattoo design to perfection.
Why do you need a tattoo correction?
The master must explain to the client that on different skins the same pigment lies and is fixed in different ways. The skin is an organ that is heterogeneous in color, thickness and density, so after the first procedure, each person may have a slightly different effect than planned.
That is why after 1-2 months it is necessary to repeat the tattoo procedure (make a correction). After correction, the pigment lays down more evenly, voids are filled, you can slightly change the shape and shade of the pigment (into a darker one).
After correction, permanent makeup retains color longer. The drawing is considered unfinished without a second procedure.
The correction procedure cannot be carried out earlier than 30 days after the primary permanent makeup, as the skin must recover, and the pigment must be completely absorbed in the skin.
STAGES OF SKIN RESTORATION after permanent make-up procedure:
• 1-7 days - micro-scarring (crust forms and leaves);
• 7-15 days - decrease in color intensity; a secondary crust is formed, a “pigment conservation effect” is possible (it seems that the pattern has disappeared or has become paler);
• 15-30 day - increase in color intensity;
Please note to the client that the final result of the procedure can be evaluated after 30 days at the earliest.