Hone hatching skills in PM: stroke "wave"
Practical exercises for the development of a permanent makeup master

We continue to hone the technique of permanent makeup and today we are developing an eye. We offer you a preparatory exercise aimed at developing the skills to control the length of the stroke by continuously changing the shape of the line being filled.
Exercise 6: stroke "wave"
This lesson, like theprevious one , is aimed at developing skills in working with the curves of the lips, eyebrows or arrows. At the same time, while maintaining the smoothness of the lines, while maintaining the boundaries of the intended form of tattooing. But with some complication of the practical task.
First, draw a wavy line. The wave should turn out smooth, so there is no need to make a deep bend (Fig. 1).
Rice. 1
Our task is to repeat the bending of the wave with hatching 1.5–2 cm in size. In this case, an unpainted area 5–6 mm high should remain between the end of the stroke and the line (Fig. 2)
Rice. 2
We work with the usual straight parallel stroke, which we learned to do in exercise. 1 . Make sure that the stroke length remains the same throughout the wave. The stroke and the unpainted area should repeat the bend of the "wave". How can the PM master check if the task of this exercise is being performed correctly? You can draw a "test" wavy line at the beginning of the stroke and at its end. If these lines repeat the bend of the "wave", then you are doing everything right (Fig. 3).
Rice. 3
How to do it wrong? When you control where the stroke ends, but you don't control the bend (i.e. just stroke with a straight parallel stroke). In this case, when drawing a test line, it will be seen that, although you do not reach the border with the wave, your bend does not repeat.
After the area above the "wave" is completely shaded, we go under the line and do the same thing, only now we control the beginning of the hatching. There should also be an unpainted area up to the “wave” (about 5 mm). Try not to draw auxiliary lines, train your eye and check the distance "by eye".
While working on this exercise, draw at least 10 waves, where one wave is a stripe shaded on both sides, top and bottom. If after working out 10 waves the result does not please you, it is obvious that you need to continue training until a satisfactory result is obtained.
With each exercise worked out, your professional skills will only grow and you will definitely see this in improving the quality of your work.