FAQ on Permanent Makeup Pigments
Recommendations of professionals for permanent makeup masters

Before every permanent makeup artist who starts working on new pigments, the first question is: how safe are the paints used?
Micropigmentation specialists know that tattoo pigments consist of a coloring matter (these are organic and inorganic substances of natural origin, umber, sienna, ocher, ultramarine, soot, etc.) and a base in which the coloring matter is homogenized (fats, alcohol, sorbitol, water).
Depending on the composition of the base , pigments for permanent tattooing are divided into water-alcohol and glycerin dyes.
Water-alcohol pigments for permanent tattooing are relatively liquid. These pigments are not recommended for use when working with needle-cap devices, since the probability that the pigment will enter the body of the device is quite high.
Glycerin dyes for permanent tattooing have a thicker consistency. Due to the higher covering power, the procedure can be carried out faster. Suitable for all types of tattoo machines.
requirements for pigments
Pigments used for micropigmentation procedures on the face must meet several mandatory requirements.
- Toxic and carcinogenic components should categorically not be present in dyes for permanent makeup. Most of the pigments produced in the countries of Southeast Asia do not meet this requirement.
- In pigments for permanent makeup, the pH value should be within the physiological norm. At the same time, it is important to remember that contact of tattoo pigments with mucous membranes is especially dangerous, since they often have an alkaline or acidic pH value.
- The dye must be insoluble in water and dye base components. It will be distributed in the skin along a concentration gradient, that is, "spread" if this requirement is not met. To check this figure, you can drop a drop of pigment on a piece of paper and let it spread, and wait until a small trace of solvent remains along the contour of the drop on a piece of paper. In "correct" pigments, this trace should not be colored.
- Uniformity, or homogeneity of the pigment - an indicator of the particle size of the pigment. In high-quality pigments, the particle size of the dye should be the same, because. Inhomogeneity of pigment for tattooing can significantly complicate the work of the master and affect the quality of pigment distribution in the skin. How to check the pigment for uniformity? If a drop of dye, drying, forms a homogeneous, even surface, the pigment is homogeneous. If there are “lumps” on the surface of the dried drop, the pigment is heterogeneous, i.e. heterogeneous.
- High-quality pigments should be resistant and stable, resistant to UV rays, and also have a sufficiently long period of disintegration of the particles. Tattoo ink should not break down into its constituent elements, but retain its integral composition. If the composition of the dye is not stable, then the permanent simply “sheds” or somehow unexpectedly changes its color.
- Inertness is an important property of the pigment, which prevents the paint from interacting with fluids, namely with blood and tissue fluid of the body.
- The uniformity of dye removal is also of great importance. High-quality dyes for permanent makeup should lighten evenly and without a significant change in color shade. The use of low-quality pigments is associated with the risk of getting raspberry or green eyebrows, blue or lilac lips, red eyelids. This property of pigments can only be verified empirically.
Security questions
Before every master who starts working on new pigments, the first question is: how safe are the paints used? Here you need to answer the question: what should permanent makeup paint not contain?
Quality pigments cannot contain organohalogen compounds. These compounds are a group of substances containing chlorine, bromine or iodine. As you know, these substances are very toxic. Their impact on the body can lead to the occurrence of various complications up to oncological diseases, which tend to manifest themselves even after some time has passed.
Another big issue is heavy metals, which include mercury, lead, arsenic, chromium, and nickel. A small amount of these substances is acceptable. For example, chromium will necessarily be present in green dyes. The main condition is the concentration, which has strict limits according to EU regulations. Many tattoo dyes contain glycerin. This substance is not aggressive towards our body, but pure, and even more so not diluted, glycerin can greatly dry the skin. To prevent this, water is added to good dyes.
It should be remembered that if there are dyes, then there will be solvents. There are a number of fairly simple requirements for solvents: maximum chemical purity (without impurities) and a minimum number of components. The latter means that the smaller the list of components, the lower the risk that they will interact with each other, as well as with leather and paint.
Another item is emulsifiers, fragrances, preservatives. They also have a number of requirements. Most importantly, they must be tested and tested for toxicity, allergenicity and irritability. But still, the probability of getting an unpleasant surprise from these components is much less, because their concentration in dyes is negligible.
When choosing paints for permanent makeup, you should pay attention to reputable manufacturers, at whose enterprises the products undergo the most complex multi-level tests and checks. The completeness of clinical trials will be achieved if tests are carried out that determine the long-term effects. If the paint for permanent makeup has been tested for carcinogenicity, embryotropism (influence on future offspring), sensitization, then practitioners believe that such a tool is trustworthy.
Of course, every substance that enters the body in one way or another must be strictly controlled and questioned in order to ensure the maximum safety of clients. Therefore, permanent colors are in the process of continuous improvement.
Practical advice from experts
At the end of the article, we give a few tips that are given by experienced craftsmen. Try not to use bright, "acidic" shades; give preference to more natural tones, since the environmental friendliness of such permanent tattoo inks is noticeably higher than that of harsh reds or yellows. Although the prices for high-quality dyes for permanent makeup are very high, you should not save on such an important procedure. Check the manufacturer's certificate and the expiration date of the dye. Do your own market research and identify a manufacturer with a guaranteed reputation.
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