Allergy to tattoo: causes, symptoms, treatment

Basic knowledge for permanent makeup masters


Redness of the skin and severe itching can be caused not so much by the tattoo itself, but by an allergic reaction to it. How to avoid complications and what should be done if allergic reactions are detected?

When applying permanent makeup, the master introduces a coloring pigment into the layers of the epidermis. Due to the characteristics of the body, even when using dyes with vegetable and mineral pigments, allergies can occur after eyebrow tattooing.

A - Allergy

Causes of an allergic reaction:

  • individual reaction of the body;
  • the use of low-quality dyes.

Many are interested in whether there can be an allergy to permanent makeup applied with high-quality pigment. Yes, even dyes from natural ingredients can have side effects in the form of rashes, itching and swelling. These symptoms may appear in combination or one at a time. The more sensitive the body is to a particular irritant, the stronger the allergic reaction will be. Slight itching and swelling may be a reaction to the permanent makeup procedure, that is, damage to the skin, which is not associated with drug intolerance.

Normal response:

  • slight swelling and itching;
  • redness for several days;
  • slight compaction of the skin in the area of application;
  • soreness that gradually decreases with healing.

The recovery period depends on the rate of skin regeneration and usually lasts about a week. If, after this time, redness, pain and itching persist, you should consult a doctor.

Allergy Signs

  • the appearance of purulent vesicles;
  • pronounced seals in the area of tattooing;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • general weakness;
  • headache;
  • nausea.

What to do if you are allergic to tattoo? How to treat?

If after 2 days the swelling has not disappeared, the client should contact a dermatologist to determine the causes of the symptoms, confirm an allergic reaction. Doctors for treating allergies will be able to recommend topical or oral medications. If infection is detected due to improper care, an antibiotic is prescribed.

How to check in advance if there is an allergy to the dye?

Allergic reactions are a relative contraindication to the procedure. Tattooing is acceptable after testing the pigment and painkillers and prescribing special drugs.

Allergy to paint usually manifests itself immediately upon skin contact with the pigment. Therefore, it is recommended to make a test by applying the dye to the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wrist, and observe the reaction of the body. In the presence of redness, itching, it is better to refrain from the procedure for applying permanent makeup.

Sometimes allergies are caused not by dyes, but by painkillers that are used during the procedure. It is necessary to find out in advance about the presence of an allergy to painkillers. Be sure to ask the client about intolerance to anesthetics in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

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