Master training online: pros and cons
Let's figure out whether it's worth spending time and money on it

While the real world is partly on pause due to the ongoing pandemic, we are making the most of all the possibilities of the Internet. For example, online learning. Is this possible for manicurists and what are the pros, cons and pitfalls? The expert answers.
The profession of a manicurist is quite in demand today in the field of beauty services. How to master it? The first step is to find a quality course/school with highly qualified instructors. We have already told you how to do this in this material. What about online learning? Is it possible to become a manicurist and get all the necessary knowledge on the Internet? We discussed the pros and cons of online learning together with expert Alena Shestopalova.
Alena Shestopalova , international coach and judge, certified OMS judge, multiple European and world champion, founder of TM ManiCo
Let's figure out together whether it is possible to study online efficiently and gain all the necessary skills.
There are many good courses and teachers
Indeed, online you can learn how to do a manicure or paint from scratch. Let me just clarify that we are talking about courses where there are no injections or micro-injections, that is, the training is not of a medical nature. Unfortunately, there are also many teachers who simply earn money without teaching anything in return. And this is the main disadvantage of such training. After all, in a live course, if you don’t like the method of presenting information, you can leave in the middle of the training and you will even get your money back, which is impossible during online courses. In addition, you will have to deal with some problems yourself, because there is no one to ask to come up and suggest, show, help.
Let's summarize: you can master the basics of nail design and new techniques online. The main thing is to go to a good teacher and do everything that is required of you, one on one.
How to distinguish good from bad and how to choose a home course with effective presentation of information?
We've all heard the phrase "read between the lines." When choosing online courses, you should be guided by this expression. This means that you need to not only look at the beautiful photos on the course website, but also dig much deeper.
Nowadays, an Instagram profile is the business card of a person, company, or project. Go to the Master Instructor's profile and study it. Key facts to pay attention to:
- regalia (prizes and merits);
- practice (how many years the master has been working and teaching);
- offline courses (plus look at the work of students who have already successfully completed them!);
- reviews;
- techniques in which the master works;
- authorship (articles, publications, books, manuals).
Pay attention to the manner of writing posts: is the format of presenting information, level of thinking, views, analysis suitable for you?
For those who are interested in the course, the master usually provides a short summary of the course for free - in the form of webinars, live broadcasts, master classes. At such events you should like everything and be interesting; you should have the feeling that you want to communicate with the master personally and learn from him.
When taking part in such broadcasts or master classes, also pay attention to whether the teacher gives a lot of “water”. After all, when you later buy a course, you intend to pay for knowledge, and not for chatter about the pressing problems of humanity, your cat or your spouse (keep in mind that the course will be the same).
Remember: good things don't come cheap.
You have to pay for everything, including knowledge. Where with money, and where with your labor. Important, valuable knowledge cannot cost a penny. The man worked, accumulated knowledge and experience, made summaries, tables, and compiled statistics. It took a lot of time and required strength, patience and dedication.
So, when choosing an online course, evaluate everything as a whole - the teacher himself, his work and the work of his students, as well as the course program and reviews. By completing this minimal analysis, you will be able to wisely invest your money in yourself and your career. And you will probably be satisfied with the result!
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