What is behind the sudden change in image?
Psychologist's comment

Why does a woman change her hairstyle from beautiful curls to a sophisticated bob? There are several different reasons for this.
Previously, together with the stylist, we discussed the dilemma: radical or non-radical change of image ? And we came to the conclusion that to each his own. But Your Hair magazine asked an interesting question: what is the reason for the sudden change in image?
Every woman is sensitive to her reflection in the mirror. It is important to us what exactly we tell the world with our appearance. And of course, hair plays a primary role in our image - its length, hairstyle, color. About the main reasons for changing your image and how to enjoy knowing and unmistakably hear yourself - in the article by psychologist Natalya Ermakova .
Natalya Ermakova, psychologist, child psychologist, personal trainer
In ancient times, hair had a special sacred meaning - as a manifestation of the feminine principle, the strength of the family, the ability to create a strong family, etc. Even the process of combing was considered a very intimate procedure, and married women, as a rule, wore hats and scarves, since it was believed that hair You can only dissolve it in front of your husband. They were braided into braids - one or several, depending on local customs. The image of a woman, a homemaker with long hair, was previously seen as soft, warm, maternal.
Currently, views have changed, but what was laid down by our ancestors over the centuries is, to one degree or another, reflected now. Why do women sometimes suddenly change their image, cut their hair short and dye their hair different colors? The question is very subtle, extremely individual and depends on the woman’s temperament and her current emotional state. There are several reasons for the sudden change in image.
No. 1: Experimentation is everything
A powerful desire for self-expression for an active modern woman creates her need for a bright image. In this case, it is important for a woman to demonstrate a certain message about herself with her appearance. This is one way to immediately say who I am and how I want to be perceived. In the foreground is the brightness of the image, which maximally concentrates attention on the woman’s appearance and the meanings that she conveys. The important thing here is to be at peace with yourself and not become a slave to your appearance. Appearance is for you, not you for it! After all, we broadcast a lot not by how we look, but by our behavior and actions. But in this case, appearance enters into dialogue with the world first, and more information load falls on it. However, this effect lasts only for a while, and then the entire arsenal of characteristics by which others perceive you is used: manner of speaking, style of speech, facial expressions, gestures, gait, emotional reactions, etc.
No. 2: Stressful situation
The second direction in searching for the reasons for a sudden change in image is stress. It can lead to a woman urgently needing to change her hairstyle, for example, get a short haircut. It works as a therapeutic process.
A woman, changing her image, seems to rewrite her attitude to the situation: before I was like this and it was like this, but now I’m different and react to everything differently. This makes it easier to reformat the situation in your favor and get out of it with the least emotional loss.
In an unstable emotional state, it is extremely important to maintain a balance between your appearance and your sense of self, so that there is no sharp disharmony between how you feel and how you are perceived. Although there is another side: when a woman in her new appearance has moved a significant distance from her former self, the effect of a “spectator from the audience” can appear - a person will look at himself as if from the outside. That is, drastic external changes will lead to a blurring of the boundaries of the obvious association of oneself with one’s former self. And the drama of the situation can sharply reduce its degree.
In this case, to radically change your image, it is important to turn to good specialists so that the results of your transformation bring satisfaction.
No. 3: Desire for change in life
The third reason why a woman can change her image is the desire/need to dramatically change her life. This can happen at different times
age periods or in certain situations, for example, moving to another country; your grown children have left their parents' home; a radical change in professional activity (I was a banker - I became a fitness trainer), etc. Another life - another me. Here, a change in appearance is connected to the toggle switch of life changes, and we begin to feel differently and, accordingly, we can behave differently, build relationships differently. Such moments are very well suited for more or less calmly reformatting algorithms that have been worn out for years. If you really need it, then now is the time.
But here we are faced with several dangers that may lead to undesirable consequences. Let’s say a woman has become much brighter in appearance, but over time she becomes burdened by such a strong image. Or, for example, the lightness and airiness of blond hair does not go well with the sharper character of a woman. I note that we are talking about the feelings of the woman herself, and not about what others think. In general, here, as elsewhere, it is important to listen to yourself and try to find the concentrate of changes you need, which you can currently digest. Of course, it’s great that you can grow your hair and change its color, so, on the other hand, you shouldn’t be afraid of experiments. But you can definitely get to know yourself better in this situation.
So, after changing her hairstyle, a woman will begin to listen more to her new sensations. She will more consciously examine herself in the mirror and monitor the reactions of others to her new self. After changing your image, this will happen at first with enviable regularity.
Dialogue with the world
If we approach the issue of changing the image, moving away from the specifics, in a somewhat abstract way, we can draw the following general conclusions. We ask the world many questions, but we want answers from it even more. We want to, because with answers we are not so afraid, we can rely on them, and we ourselves don’t have to answer them, not to be in search of answers. Agree that if a question is not asked, then there is no need to wait for an answer. By changing our appearance, we broadcast our internal changes to the outside world, stimulating the emergence of new questions in ourselves and to ourselves. This is very important, because if there are no questions, then there will be no answers.
So change and get to know yourself with pleasure!
Experiments with style using stars as examples
Australian actress Mia Wasikowska, shortly after the premiere of “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” changed her long, mischievous curls to an elegant bob. “I like to experiment with roles and style. Alice has grown up! – this is how she commented on her new image. By the way, she soon appeared before the audience with a short, hooligan haircut, which did not stop her from playing the feminine Jane Eyre - so much so that she was named the best performer of this role.
Stress as a lifestyle
Demi Moore, Anne Hathaway, Natalie Portman - these actresses cut their hair very short (Moore and Portman even shaved their heads) for the coveted roles in now-cult films, but, firstly, why isn't it stressful - such roles? And secondly, everyone suffered during this period
certain trials in their personal lives, which only pushed women to grueling work. The result is obvious: each has an Oscar.