Short haircut ideas for winter 2021: what to choose?
Replenishing our arsenal

Changing your image or maintaining your usual short haircut is very important. But if clients want to try something new and are open to experimentation, here are some options.
Another leader among brave clients was the mullet - a rather specific unisex haircut. At the beginning of last year, we talked about how, despite its strange appearance and the fact that it was once even called “the ugliest,” in 2020 it appealed to many, especially teenagers.
This is perhaps the most popular haircut option for clients who prefer short haircuts on an ongoing basis and don’t mind diversifying them with bright coloring.
A classic of the genre that not everyone will like. This is a haircut with a massive, even contour that frames the face; a clear line extends from the bangs towards the back of the head. In addition, the page is distinguished by shorter hair length in the front that smoothly transitions into longer hair at the back.
The page is not suitable for clients with large facial features, a square shape and wide cheekbones.
The flawless leader of 2020, which we recommend choosing if your client has not tried it yet, is the bob. It's hard to disagree that this haircut combines practicality and elegance in all its styling options. In addition, it suggests an elongated and a shorter version.
If we talk about a kind of “modernization” of a bob hairstyle, then if the client has already tried on this haircut, you can decide on a bob with bangs.