Register: free webinar by Alexander Kodak Face chart
Already tomorrow!

Tomorrow there will be a free webinar by Alexander Kodak on the topic of Face chart - hurry to take your place!
As part of the ZeBrush 2020 event, Estet is conducting a series of webinars together with top makeup artists in Ukraine. The first broadcast took place last week and we are not going to give up our position! During quarantine, we suggest not to relax and spend time usefully, get inspired and gain the necessary knowledge online.
On April 2 at 17:00, Alexander Kodak , the star Makeup Artist, official makeup artist of the Avon brand and a specialist with more than 10 years of experience, will talk about the art of face charting.
Literally from English, face chart is a diagram of a face. That’s right: on a sheet of special paper there is a schematic image of a face, which can be transformed with the help of makeup done with real cosmetic products.
The webinar will introduce makeup artists to a useful tool for developing styles and trends in makeup and will provide an opportunity to improve techniques and develop their own style. Using the knowledge gained during the broadcast, you will be able to work on any image and prepare the mood board for shooting in advance.
Alexander Kodak will talk about the basic principles of working with face charts, the secrets of making drawings realistic, tools and materials for creating them, as well as how to use face charts when working with clients. Where to start, how to build volumes, create a play of light and shadow - you will learn about all this tomorrow.
Wash your hands and register using the link ! On April 2, by 17:00, you will receive an SMS with a link to the webinar room to the phone number you provided.
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