Men's looks in the Leven commercial collection

By Christian Rios


Another finalist collection of the famous FÍGARO AWARDS 2020 competition in the “Men’s Commerce” category.

Haircuts: Christian Rios

Photo: Esteban Roca

Retouching: Esteban Roca

Makeup : Nacho Sanz

Style: Christian Rios

Products : Revlon Professional Spain, Kevin Murphy Spain

Models : Alexis, José, Daniel, Javier

Difference has always been the cause of persecution in the darkest and most troubled times. In his collection, Christian Rios examines a dark chapter in the history of Hitler's Nazi Germany, when other ethnic and political groups were added to the systematic murder of gays, bisexuals and lesbians.

For this reason, Leven is a tribute to the millions of people who have died simply because of their sexual orientation, victims of ruthless bigotry. Hair tones reflect different geographic origins. Uniforms remind us of rugged masculinity, a rugged aesthetic of facial features, and crisp hairstyles will strengthen the jaw, which is counteracted by the presence of excessive jewelry.

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