Long healthy hair and blonde: is it possible?
Analyzed by colorist

In this material we will touch on a sensitive issue for many clients and hairdressers - creating the perfect blonde.
The topic expert is Alexander Klimenko , hairdresser, owner of the Klymazone beauty salon and Klymazone Academy
Since I am a practicing master and the owner of a beauty salon, where creating blonde hair is one of the main areas of work, I can say with confidence that every woman wants to try herself as a blonde at least once in her life. Nowadays, blonde is in trend, and I think that when sitting down in a chair with a hair colorist, every second client takes out her smartphone, shows the ideal blonde, usually cold, and says, smiling sweetly: “I came to you for this color.”
And another 50% of clients grow their hair, and it’s a mystery to me, but for some reason almost everyone wants the same hair length and an even cut. I get the feeling that there is some kind of competition between women in this regard - “who has the longest.”
Now one of the most popular desires of clients is blonde and long, healthy hair. Is it possible?
I divide blondes or future blondes into several categories.
1. Naturally blondes - girls with Nordic hair type, usually very light, perhaps even whitish, especially after a holiday at sea.
2. Girls who naturally have hair at tone level 8-9 . It is easy for such clients to achieve a cool blonde, because their hair can be lightened to 9-10 shades without any problems.
3. Girls with tone level 6-7. In this case, you can predict the result 50x50 - depending on the characteristics of the hair and the predominance of eumelanin or pheomelanin in it, you may get a pure blonde the first time, or maybe not.
4. Girls with tone level 4-5 . This is where the situation gets more complicated because at these tone levels the red and orange-red background of the highlights is predominant, which means that even with hair bleaching and toning, it's quite possible that cool tones will wash out to warm or gold.
5. Girls with tone levels 1-3 . Nothing is impossible, but to achieve the perfect blonde you need to apply maximum knowledge and skills.
This theoretical part applies only to natural colors, which means that the client came to the salon with hair that had not been dyed before. But practice suggests that such clients are rare in salons. As a rule, girls come to the salon with a long history of not always successful dyeing from different specialists, and we have to correct mistakes, even out the tone and save their hair in the truest sense of the word. Spots, watermelon highlights, broken hair, accumulated gray-green pigment, banding, pronounced yellow pigment - this is the price future blondes pay for finding that colorist who will finally create the perfect blonde.
Now let's, after weighing all the factors, think about whether it is possible to grow long, healthy blonde hair and how to achieve this?
Remember, you met long-haired blondes on the street and, most likely, looked at them with admiration, because the perfect blonde on long hair is an expensive pleasure.
Let's face it: there are your desires and there are possibilities. Not all girls can have long hair. The photos of long-haired blondes that you see on social networks are the result of the professional work of a colorist who was able to maintain the quality of the hair, creating the perfect blonde, and the client’s natural characteristics.
It is not always possible to achieve such a result, because not everyone has such hair structure, density and thickness.
It’s another matter when the client’s natural abilities allow him to achieve the desired result, but an inexperienced colorist can ruin everything, which will ultimately lead to either hair breaking off, or a dirty green tint, or the quality of the hair will deteriorate and there will be a “loofah” on the head. I have to deal with victims of inexperienced colorists very often, and this is sad, because it takes years to restore the quality of hair - hair grows by 10-12 cm in a year.
True, this does not mean at all that girls who dream of long blonde hair do not have a single chance. In my practice, there are many examples when girls did not believe that they could grow their hair, but achieved this under my close supervision, listening to everything I said, and applying everything that I suggested in the salon, as well as following home care recommendations . Of course, being a long-haired blonde is an expensive pleasure, but the game is worth the candle. I always say that it is better not to buy an extra kilogram of sausage, but to invest in your beauty - you will be both slimmer and more beautiful.
The most important thing for a long-haired blonde is to find the right colorist. As a rule, if you see the perfect blonde on long hair, it means that the girl has found it, regularly visits her specialist and uses excellent hair cosmetics at home.
Pro Rules
1. Imagine that you are a doctor and you cannot make a correct diagnosis without knowing the entire medical history. You need to know what manipulations were previously performed on the client's hair.
2. Do not start giving advice until you have fully listened to the client.
3. Remember: if you take on the job, you bear 100% responsibility for the result.
4. Try to be as useful to the person as possible. If a client comes for coloring , this does not mean that he is not interested in learning something else about himself (haircut shape, home care, color type, etc.).
5. If you don’t know how to satisfy a client’s request, say so honestly, reschedule the meeting, find someone who knows, learn, and only then get to work.
6. Always tell the client how to maintain the coloring result after a month, two, three.
7. Remember: you and the client are a team that is working towards a common result.
The material was first published in the Fashion Mirror magazine.
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