How to shape your eyebrows: expert advice

On a note


What types of eyebrow modeling exist, what you will need for the procedure and how to correct eyebrows step by step using tweezers - our expert tells us.

Elena Yudina, makeup artist-stylist, international class master, world champion in makeup, certified judge of Ukraine and international competitions, founder of the author's school of makeup and style VISART Academy, trainer of all-Ukrainian and international makeup and body art competitions

Tools and tools

To shape your eyebrows you will need some products and tools.

The eyebrow brush is a brush with a beveled tip and has fairly hard bristles. Needed for drawing eyebrows with shadows.

Stiff brush for combing and styling eyebrows.

Tweezers. It is impossible to choose tweezers simply based on cost - you need to touch them and look. It is best to buy tweezers with beveled tips. Pay attention to whether there are any holes in the compression line and whether its ends match. Test on your hand to ensure it grips hairs well.

Antiseptic agents for treating skin and instruments.

Fan brush , which will allow you to brush away hairs.

Peignoir to protect clothing.

Types of eyebrow modeling

Eyebrow modeling can be done with tweezers, thread, or wax.

Correction with tweezers is a standard procedure that suits everyone; it allows you to perform particularly precise work - removing single hairs - to obtain an ideal shape.

Modeling with wax allows you to achieve very high-quality cleansing of the skin even from barely noticeable vellus hair. It is mainly used to remove thick hair above the eyebrows and temples. But in this case it is difficult to get a very accurate job of constructing the form. In addition, there is a danger of stretching the thinnest skin of the eyelid.

Thread correction is an Asian version of eyebrow modeling. It completely cleanses the skin of unwanted hairs, and makes new ones thinner and more invisible.

How to correct eyebrows using tweezers

Step 1. Thoroughly clean the eyebrow growth area of cosmetics with a cleansing tonic.

Step 2. We carry out the correction procedure itself, grabbing one extra hair at a time.

To ease the client’s “suffering,” use your free hand to stretch the skin under the hairs - this will reduce pain. You can also apply ice to the treated area before the procedure. Do not steam the skin before epilation - this will cause swelling. Also, experts do not recommend wiping the skin with alcohol to avoid swelling.

Step 3. Treat the skin with a disinfectant solution. A 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate is best suited - its effect on the thin skin around the eyes is gentle.

According to makeup artists, eyebrows are considered the most important element of a woman's face. Therefore, an unsuccessful shape or unclear eyebrow line can ruin even the most perfect makeup. Remember this!

The article was first published in MAKEUP&YOU Professional magazine.

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