How to learn hair extensions from scratch?

Every year, the hair extension service not only becomes more popular among clients, but is also rapidly developing, offering new technologies and compositions for extensions. Along with these indicators, the interest of masters in learning something new in hairdressing is also growing.
During a recent broadcast on the PRO Hair&Makeup Instagram page, together with Liliya Mamutova, Grand Master PRO Beauty Battle Hair, creator of innovative biotechnologies for hair extensions, founder of the Academy of Hair Extensions and Modeling, we discussed the topic of “Training hair extensions from scratch.”
How to learn this craft from scratch, how to choose training, and what techniques to pay attention to in order to be a sought-after master in 2021 - read the material.
Liliya Mamutova , Grand Master PRO Beauty Battle Hair, European champion in hairdressing in the “Hair Extensions”, “Fashionable Image” nominations, creator of innovative biotechnologies for hair extensions, founder of the Academy of Hair Extensions and Modeling
Where to begin?
I always say that when we are going to learn something, then, first of all, we need to decide - why do we need it? In the case of hairdressing, those who want to master the direction can be divided into two categories: masters without experience as a hairdresser who want to learn from scratch, and masters with experience as a hairdresser and their own client base.
Let's focus on the second category. If you are a practicing master, then you must take into account your specialization, as well as your clientele. It will be useful for a master colorist to learn how to thicken hair mass and add colored strands. It will be useful for hair stylists to learn express extensions, which will be useful as a preliminary step before hairstyles and styling.
Which course should I choose? At the beginning of my career, I was faced with the fact that many schools, as well as the masters who teach, show how to attach and how to remove extensions. And they don’t say what to do. Then I was lucky that I had experience in hairdressing, and I was able to figure it out myself.
You need to find out what is included in the training. Pay attention to whether they show and teach how to properly distribute hair on the head. Also, during the course they discuss how much hair is needed, how to choose hair, what length to suggest.
As a separate question for masters from scratch - take a course/lesson on hair tinting. Even an experienced hairdresser will find it useful to go through this stage, because colors apply differently to hair extensions.
In an ideal hair extension course, you should also be taught adaptive haircuts, styling, and twists that will help you complete the extension procedure.
What to look for when choosing training? How to recognize that the master who will teach is not a professional?
Pay attention to the master’s work in the “before-after” format. It is especially easy to understand the authorship of works based on pages on social networks. Look closely to see if the transitions are visible in the photographs. It is important to understand how high the master’s work technique is, as well as how much he follows new trends. Because every year technologies are updated and improved.
Pay attention to the hair extension - it should be according to hair growth. If you notice that the capsule in the extension is stretched very close to the scalp, this is already an incorrect technique and the specialist is unlikely to teach you well.
Find out the duration of the training. Full-fledged quality training cannot last several hours.
It is very important that courses teach students how to advise clients. Incorrect consultation can lead to an unhappy client. After all, a person often imagines one thing before coming to the specialist, and after the visit it may turn out that the extension technique is not suitable, or he has an allergy.
As an example: we use special client questionnaires, in which we clarify and ask in detail about possible allergies, problems with hair, scalp, etc.
What hair extension techniques should you learn in 2021 to be in demand?
If you have no experience working with extensions at all, and you want to plunge into this art, then it is advisable to start with basic techniques: capsule, tape and Hollywood. This is a classic from which all other extension techniques have evolved. You don't have to learn everything at once. You can decide on one technique based on your work needs.
If we talk about learning from scratch, then it is enough to learn two of the basic techniques. It is believed that if a master can perform two techniques, this is excellent.
If you are a practicing master, analyze the request: I accept clients for haircuts/coloring, I want to earn more, offer more services, but I don’t want to spend a lot of time on this additional service. In this case, choose a tape type of extension. It is done in half an hour, with an average volume, and does not require long preparation, like a capsule one.
You can add bright strands to the mass of hair. With the help of such an additional service, the master will be able to experience the financial benefits, and the client will be able to solve many problems. This will help you stand out in the profession and distinguish yourself from other masters.
Continuation of the broadcast: