How can a makeup artist prepare for the Ukrainian Championship 2019?
On your marks

How can a makeup artist effectively prepare for a competition? Let’s understand the material.
Together with our regular expert Vika Pisarenko, we will figure out how to prepare for the makeup championship, how to act on the site and what to pay special attention to during work, as well as how to behave after the competition if the results do not please you.
Vika Pisarenko , international-class makeup artist-stylist, creative director of the salon direction of TM BRELIL Professional , author of the project “School of Style by Vika Pisarenko”
A few days before the competition
The most important thing a few days before the Championship is not to set your teeth on edge, stop in time and calmly wait for the nomination day.
The psychological attitude is important: be confident in yourself and have no doubt that you can win. But treat your own work objectively and soberly assess your level of preparation.
Think again whether you have chosen the right nomination, whether you are capable of it: whether you can adhere to all its rules and complete the work in the allotted time. I know of many cases when a person changed his nomination a couple of days before the Championship, simplified his work and took a higher place than if he had tried to jump over his head in another nomination.
Please read the rules for your nomination carefully. Quite often it happens that the work is done efficiently and cleanly, but it does not belong to your nomination, but to another. For this, you will definitely be deducted points, and you will not be able to qualify for a prize.
Consult with a competition movement specialist about your work before the Championship. Even if you don’t have the opportunity to train constantly, it’s definitely worth getting a one-time consultation. You will understand what you need to tighten up and what you should pay special attention to. The specialist will help you refine your makeup or advise you to add some decisive element that will bring you victory.
Think in advance about what cosmetics you will use and how to arrange it so that everything you need is at hand: on the competition site, a makeup artist should not waste time searching for the right product. Don't forget to take cotton pads and cotton swabs with you, which the masters often forget and then rub the crumbled cosmetics over the model's face. Also be sure to bring a sharpener because the pencil may fall or break unexpectedly.
The master's clothes and shoes should be comfortable and convenient. You should not wear things to the competition site that restrict your movements, or new shoes that can rub or press. Give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics, because when a person is worried, his sweat glands are actively working. In this case, synthetic clothing will play a cruel joke on you.
Working with the model
Be sure to have a conversation with the model, because 90% of success depends on her work. A model that sits beautifully and attracts attention can save the situation, even if on some points the work does not reach the highest mark,
Don’t forget to think about the overall look: what clothes, accessories, hairstyle will be. Each element must play its role.
Please note that the judges always look at the model in the mirror, so warn the girl so that she is not afraid of the jury, does not turn away, but does not “make eyes” or flirt. The model must face the mirror and follow the judges' instructions. Until the performance evaluation is completed, she should not relax, smile or lower her head.
The model should support the master in every possible way and in no case blame him if he does not have time to complete the work. It would be great if the model kept track of the time and announced every five minutes how much time was left until the end.
Before starting work, the model must eat to avoid fainting, which often happens on the set. Tip for the master: put a small piece of chocolate in your cosmetic bag. If the model suddenly becomes ill, try to put it under the girl’s tongue without the judges noticing.
On the day of the competition
If just before doing work your hands are shaking and you cannot calm down, take a light sedative. But in no case should you drink alcohol before the competition: as a rule, this only aggravates the situation, because a state of altered consciousness is added to the adrenaline.
If you suddenly forget something, ask for a product from a colleague from another category or at the stand of one of the brands that are always represented at the championships - this is much better than coping with improvised means.
The moment you step onto the set, forget about everything. During this half hour or hour you should think about only one thing - about your work.
During the process, never experiment with new elements that you spied in the dressing room or that suddenly came to your mind. Believe me, if there is even a minimal chance that you will make a mistake, you will definitely make it.
All your movements must be honed, you need to work mechanically.
If you see that you do not have time to complete the work in full, it is better to qualitatively complete those elements that you have time for, otherwise the work will be dirty and untidy. For example, if you don’t have time to draw an arrow, it’s better not to draw it at all. Perhaps no one will even guess that it was supposed to be there.
At the end of the Championship
If you are not satisfied with the results of the competition, there is no need to prove anything to the jury. But I recommend approaching each of the judges and asking them to comment on your work. This will allow you to draw conclusions and take your wishes into account next time. Most likely, you won’t be able to guess on your own why you were deducted points.
At the end of the competition, look at the works of the masters in other categories. Perhaps you will understand that they would be easier for you than working in the category that you chose at this Championship. And next time you can reorient yourself.
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