Hairstyles with Kanekalon: Several Braiding Options
For bright moments

Hairstyles with voluminous braids are the best choice for special occasions. After all, when, if not on some holiday, to experiment? We give you several options for braiding with kanekalon.
What is Kanekalon?
Kanekalon — it is an artificial material of high quality and density, outwardly similar to natural hair, which is used to create bright and sometimes voluminous hairstyles. The fiber that makes up kanekalon withstands heat treatment (hair dryer, curling iron, curlers) well, can be chemically permed, combs without problems and is not prone to tangling.
It is thanks to such characteristics and a wide range of bright combinations that kanekalon hairstyles are popular among clients.
What types of kanekalon are there?
Three types of kanekalon are distinguished, depending on the characteristics of the fiber from which it is composed:
- standard kanekalon – most often it is used for weaving;
- chameleon – based on the name, it is a kanekalon that changes shade or color under the influence of light or heat;
- flour – its unique feature is that it glows under the influence of ultraviolet rays. It is better to offer Fleur to those clients who often go to clubs or to music festivals.
What are the advantages of the material?
The materials from which kanekalons are made are safe and hygienic even with long-term use. The same can be said about the dyes used to transform kanekalon.
And the disadvantages?
The downside for clients may be that the kanekalon hairstyle is uncomfortable to wear if you like to dive headfirst. When wet, kanekalons become heavier, larger, which can cause inconvenience.
Kanekalon must also be updated and changed over time, because the color becomes duller.
Options for hairstyles with kanekalon
Brady – a subspecies of Afro braids, the basis of which consists of traditional French weaving. Such braids fit tightly to the surface of the head.
Afro braids – a hairstyle consisting of many small braids braided over the entire surface of the head to any length.
Senegalese braids – peculiar flagella, spirals. They are created from the twisted strands that form this bundle.
Dreadlocks -ndash; to create this hairstyle, strands of hair are braided, tangled from many strands among themselves. They keep their shape for a long time.
Braids with released strands: