Dyeing technology for blonde hair



Technology of bright and at the same time gentle coloring on light hair from Marine Muradyan. We are sure your clients will love it!

1. Model before painting.

2. We divide the hair into zones: in the parietal zone we select a square, and in the lateral and occipital zones - a triangle.

3. Apply the lightening compound to the strands in triangles, creating a V-shaped pattern. For lightening we used Vario Blond Plus Fiber Bond Technologyinside +6% oxidizing balm.

4. Paint the roots with Igora Royal Pearlescence 6-89 + 6% oxidizing balm.

5. Apply Igora Royal Pearlescence 6-89+D-01:1 dye in a smooth transition along the length, and apply 3% oxidizing balm to the ends of hair 9.5-89.

Worked on the image:

Idea, style: Marine Muradyan

Facebook: Marine.Muradyan.80

Instagram: Marine_Muradyan_stylist

Makeup: Alena Breus

Photo: Vadim Sery

Model: Olya Lisovik

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