Book of the month: “Braids and cornrows. Fashionable, fast, easy." Natalia Eremina
What to braid?

In the book “Braids and pigtails. Fashionable, fast, easy” you will not find five or even ten options for hairstyles with pigtails. Natalia Eremina tried to collect the most current options for any time and taste.
Today, stylists unanimously say that in the world of hairdressing, braids and hairstyles made from them have already become classics, which no woman can do without. With braids you can be fashionable while maintaining your individual style.
The book was created to show that weaving and creating hairstyles from braids is a fun and not at all difficult activity. Sometimes five minutes is enough to transform yourself, add zest to your image, create a mood, or hide flaws.
No matter how long your hair is or whether you have experience in creating hairstyles, a secret weapon has appeared in your beauty arsenal - the book “Do it yourself braids and braids”, which presents various options for braided hairstyles with step-by-step instructions for their implementation without the additional help of a hairdresser. Here you will find the main types of weaving, examples of hairstyles for every day and for holidays.
And this is just the beginning, because your imagination and desire for perfection are limitless. Imagine, experiment and combine every day.