Plasma lifting: everything you need to know about using PRP

Mechanism of action and features of the procedure


Plasma therapy has firmly entered the practice of a specialist in aesthetic medicine. However, issues of terminology, cancer prevention and safety of autoplasma use still arise. We will talk about them.

Platelets play the most important role in the processes of healing and regeneration of damaged tissues of the body, therefore platelet-rich plasma (PRP - platelet-rich plasma) allows to significantly increase the effectiveness of many treatment methods. Normally, the concentration of platelets in the blood varies between 150,000/μl and 350,000/μl and averages 200,000/μl.

The stimulating effect of platelet-enriched plasma is manifested if the concentration of platelets in it is equal to 1 million/μl - this is the plasma that is now called platelet-rich. At a lower concentration, the stimulating effect is not detected. At the same time, it has not yet been proven that an increase in the concentration of platelets above 1 million/μl leads to further acceleration of regeneration.

To obtain PRP, 20-100 ml of peripheral blood is taken from the patient. With the help of two-stage centrifugation, erythrocytes - as the heaviest formed elements - and leukocytes (platelets remain in the supernatant) are first removed from whole blood. Then, during the second centrifugation, platelets are concentrated. To increase the ease of use of the selected fraction, it is possible to add thrombus formation activators.

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